Babuyan Islands

Babuyan Islands

The Babuyan Islands form an archipelago located in the Luzon Strait north of Luzon island in the Philippines. It is separated from Luzon by the Babuyan Channel and from the Batanes Islands to its north by the Balintang Channel.

The Babuyan Islands consist of five major islands: Babuyan island, Calayan, Camiguin, Dalupiri, and Fuga. Note that the Camiguin island here is different from the island-province of Camiguin in Mindanao.

Politically, the Babuyan Islands are part of the Philippine province of Cagayan.


In 1942, Japanese troops landed in the Babuyan Islands.

Infobox Military Conflict
conflict=Battle of the Babuyan Islands
partof=World War 2
place=Babuyan Islands
result=Filipino Victory
combatant1=flagicon|Philippines|1919 Philippines
combatant2=flagicon|Japan|alt Japan

In 1945, during the Second World War, the Allied Philippine Commonwealth troops landed in Babuyan Islands and attacked the Japanese forces in the Battle of the Babuyan Islands.

External links

* [ Information on Fuga Island]
* [ Babuyan Wordlist at the Austronesian Basic Vocabulary Database]

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