- Achillea
image_width = 200px
image_caption =Yarrow ("Achillea millefolium ")
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Asterales
familia =Asteraceae
subfamilia =Asteroideae
tribus =Anthemideae
genus = "Achillea"
genus_authority = L.
type_species = "Achillea tenuifolia " Lam.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = "See text"
synonyms ="Millefolium" Mill.
Source: INGcite web
url = http://botany.si.edu/ing/INGsearch.cfm?searchword=Achillea
title = "Achillea"
accessdate = 2008-05-21
date = 2006-02-20
format = HTML
work = Index Nominum Genericorum
publisher =International Association for Plant Taxonomy ]"Achillea" is a genus of about 85
flowering plant s, in the familyAsteraceae , commonly referred to as "yarrow". They occur inEurope and temperate areas ofAsia . A few grow inNorth America . These plants typically have frilly, hairy, aromatic leaves.These plants show large, flat clusters of small
flower s at the top of the stem. These flowers can be white, yellow, orange, pink or red. A number of species are populargarden plants.The genus was named for the Greek mythological character
Achilles . According to theIliad , Achilles' soldiers used yarrow to treat wounds [http://www.killerplants.com/whats-in-a-name/20020802.asp] , hence some of its common names such as allheal and bloodwort."Achillea" species are used as food plants by the
larva e of someLepidoptera species - seelist of Lepidoptera that feed on Achillea .Species
*"Achillea abrotanoides"
*"Achillea ageratifolia " : Balkan Yarrow, Greek Yarrow
*"Achillea aegyptiaca ": Egyptian Yarrow
*"Achillea ageratum " : Sweet Yarrow, Sweet Nancy, English Mace
*"Achillea albicaulis"
*"Achillea aleppica"
*"Achillea ambrosiaca"
*"Achillea armenorum"
*"Achillea asplenifolia "
*"Achillea atrata "
*"Achillea aucheri"
*"Achillea barbeyana"
*"Achillea barrelieri"
*"Achillea biebersteinii"
*"Achillea brachyphylla"
*"Achillea bulgarica"
*"Achillea cartilaginea" : Silver Spray Yarrow
*"Achillea chrysocoma"
*"Achillea clavennae " : Silvery Yarrow
*"Achillea clusiana "
*"Achillea clypeolata"
*"Achillea coarctata "
*"Achillea collina"
*"Achillea cretica"
*"Achillea crithmifolia"
*"Achillea cucullata"
*Achillea decolorans = synonym of "Achillea ageratum" Garden Mace
*"Achillea depressa"
*"Achillea distans" : Alps Yarrow
*"Achillea erba-rotta" : Musk Milfoil
*"Achillea falcata"
*"Achillea filipendulina " Fernleaf Yarrow
*"Achillea fraasii" : Filigree Yarrow
*"Achillea fragantissima"
*"Achillea lewisii"
*"Achillea goniocephala"
*"Achillea grandiflora"
*"Achillea griseovirens"
*"Achillea gypsicola"
*"Achillea holosericea"
*"Achillea horanszkyi"
*"Achillea huteri"
*"Achillea kelleri"
*"Achillea kotschyi"
*"Achillea lanulosa" : White Yarrow
*"Achillea ligustica" : Ligurian Yarrow
*"Achillea lingulata"
*"Achillea macrophylla " : Broad-leaved Yarrow
*"Achillea membranacea"
*"Achillea micrantha"
*Achillea millefolium : Milfoil, Yarrow, Allheal, Thousand-leaf, Bloodwort, Carpenter's Grass, Cammock, Green arrow, Gordoloba, Plumajillo, Sneezeweed, Nosebleed, Green Adder's Mouth, Soldier's Woundwort, Dog Daisy, Old-man's-pepper
*"Achillea monocephala"
*"Achillea moschata " : Musk Milfoil, Forest Lady's Herb
*"Achillea nana " : Dwarf Alpine Yarrow
*"Achillea nobilis " : Noble Yarrow, Creamy Yarrow
*"Achillea ochroleuca"
*"Achillea odorata"
*"Achillea oxyloba "
*"Achillea oxyodonta"
*"Achillea pannonica"
*"Achillea phrygia"
*"Achillea ptarmica " : Sneezewort, Sneezeweed, Seezewort Yarrow, Bachelor's Buttons
*"Achillea pyrenaica"
*"Achillea roseo-alba"
*"Achillea rupestris"
*"Achillea santolina"
*"Achillea schischkinii"
*"Achillea sedelmeyeriana"
*"Achillea setacea"
*"Achillea sibirica " : Siberian Yarrow
*"Achillea sintenisii"
*"Achillea sipikorensis"
*"Achillea sulpherea"
*"Achillea talagonica"
*"Achillea taygetea"
*"Achillea tenuifolia " Lam.
**"Achillea santolina" L.
*"Achillea tomentosa " : Woolly Yarrow
*"Achillea tzsonii"
*"Achillea umbellata"
*"Achillea vermicularis"
*"Achillea vermiculata"
*"Achillea virescens"
*"Achillea wilhelmsii"
*"Achillea wilsoniana" : Wilson's YarrowReferences
External links
* [http://flower-jpeg.blogspot.com/2007/02/achillea.html Achillea] by Flower-JPEG - Photos and info about it
* [http://www.killerplants.com/whats-in-a-name/20020802.asp Why was yarrow named for Achilles? (killerplants.com)]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.