- Aswamedham
Aswamedham is a reverse quiz program in
Kairali TV , [Surendran, P. K. (March 27, 2002)The Times of India . " [http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/4881680.cms Reverse quiz the latest fad in Kerala.] "] aMalayalam channel, in the format of "twenty questions ". This program, anchored by "Grandmaster"G. S. Pradeep , [Bahrain Tribune (December 19, 2003) "Largest stage for Kairali Gulf Pageantry." Republished by AP Worldstream.] [The Hindu (November 25, 2006) " [http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/thscrip/print.pl?file=2006112502770300.htm&date=2006/11/25/&prd=th& "Corona" begins.] "] has entered the limca book of records for the reaching 500 episodes.The Hindu (June 5, 2006) " [http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/mp/2006/06/10/stories/2006061000470400.htm Here comes "Grand Master"] "] [The Hindu (August 31, 2006) "Meet the Grandmaster".] The second part of the program was started in November 2005 in Kairali TV. At one point, the Aswamedham set featured galloping horse on a rotating pedestal. [The Hindu . (April 26, 2007) " [http://www.hindu.com/mp/2007/04/26/stories/2007042601440200.htm The wizard of shows.] "]The Tamil channel
Vijay TV aired the Tamil version of the program starting June 2006 under the name "Grandmaster" with Pradeep as the anchor. Aswamedham also refers to a drama written in the same name by Thoppil Bhasi. [The Hindu (May 9, 2004) " [http://www.hindu.com/2004/05/09/stories/2004050900950500.htm Polls bring them close to the world outside.] "]Notes
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