1981 South Africa rugby union tour of New Zealand

1981 South Africa rugby union tour of New Zealand

The 1981 South Africa rugby union tour of New Zealand (still known by many in New Zealand as The Springbok Tour) was a controversial tour of New Zealand by the South African Springbok rugby union team.

South Africa's policy of racial apartheid had made the nation an international pariah, and other countries were strongly discouraged from having sporting contacts with it. However, rugby union was (and is) an extremely popular sport in New Zealand, and the Springboks were considered to be New Zealand's most formidable opponents. There was therefore major division in New Zealand as to whether politics should interfere with sport and therefore whether the Springboks should be allowed to tour.

The decision to allow the Tour was made by the New Zealand Rugby Football Union, but could have been negated by the government of Prime Minister Robert Muldoon, whose public position was that politics should not interfere with sport. Major protests ensued, aiming to make clear many New Zealanders' opposition to apartheid and, if possible, to stop the matches taking place. This was successful in one case, but also had the effect of creating a 'law and order issue'. For many people the issue was one of whether a group of protesters would be allowed to prevent a lawful activity taking place. The dispute was similar to that involving Peter Hain in the United Kingdom in the early 1970s, when Hain's Stop the Tour campaign clashed with the more conservative 'Freedom Under Law' movement championed by barrister Francis Bennion. Although the protests were some of the most violent in New Zealand's history, no deaths resulted.

After the Tour, no official sporting contact took place between New Zealand and South Africa until the early 1990s, when apartheid had been repealed. The Tour lead to a decline in the popularity of Rugby Union in New Zealand, until the 1987 Rugby World Cup. During this decline, rugby league enjoyed a period of growthFact|date=December 2007.


The Springboks and New Zealand's national rugby team, the All Blacks, have a long tradition of intense and friendly sporting rivalry.cite web| url=http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/node/2291 |title= A long tradition of rugby rivalry |accessdate=2007-01-17 |publisher=nzhistory.net.nz |last=Watters |first=Steve] From the 1920s to the 1960s, the South African apartheid policies had an impact on team selection for the All Blacks: the selectors passed over Māori players for some All Black tours to South Africa.cite web| url=http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/node/2293 |title='Politics and sport don't mix' |accessdate=2007-01-17 |publisher=nzhistory.net.nz |last=Watters |first=Steve] Opposition to sending race based teams to South Africa grew throughout the 1950s and 60s. Prior to the All Blacks' tour of South Africa in 1960, 150,000 New Zealanders signed a petition supporting a policy of "No Maoris, No Tour". The tour occurred however, and in 1969 Halt All Racist Tours (HART) was formed.cite web| title= Stopping the 1973 tour |url=http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/node/2294 |accessdate=2007-01-17 |publisher=nzhistory.net.nz |last=Watters |first=Steve] During the 1970s public protests and political pressure forced on the New Zealand Rugby Union (NZRU) the choice of either fielding a team not selected by race, or not touring the Republic. However, South African rugby authorities continued to select Springbok players by race. As a result, the Norman Kirk Labour Government prevented the Springboks from touring during 1973. In response, the NZRU protested about the involvement of "politics in sport".

In 1976 the All Blacks toured South Africa, with the blessing of the then newly-elected New Zealand Prime Minister, Robert Muldoon.cite news|title=It's time to close the final chapter |publisher=The New Zealand Herald |date=2006-07-20 |first=Gregory |last=Fortuin] Twenty-five African nations protested against this by boycotting the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal.cite web| title=On This Day 17 July 1976 |publisher=bbc.co.uk |accessdate=2007-01-17 |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/july/17/newsid_3555000/3555450.stm] In their view the All Black tour gave tacit support to the apartheid regime in South Africa. The All Blacks again failed to win a series in South Africa (they would not do so until 1996, after the fall of apartheid). The 1976 Tour contributed to the Gleneagles Agreement being adopted by the Commonwealth Heads of State in 1977.cite web| url=http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/node/2295 |title= From Montreal to Gleneagles |accessdate=2007-01-17 |publisher=nzhistory.net.nz |last=Watters |first=Steve]

The Tour

By the early 1980s the pressure from other African countries as well as from protest groups in New Zealand, such as HART, reached a head when the New Zealand Rugby Union proposed a Springbok tour for 1981. This became a topic of political contention due to the issue of the sports boycott by the other African nations. The Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Fraser, refused permission for the Springbok's aircraft to refuel on Australian territory en route to New Zealand.cite news
title = When talk of racism is just not cricket
publisher = The Sydney Morning Herald
url = http://www.smh.com.au/news/opinion/when-talk-of-racism-is-just-not-cricket/2005/12/15/1134500961607.html
accessdate = 2007-08-19

Despite pressure from activists for the New Zealand government (headed by Prime Minister Robert Muldoon) to cancel the tour, permission was granted, and the South African team arrived in New Zealand on 19 July, 1981. Since 1977 Muldoon's government had been a party to the Gleneagles Agreement, in which the countries of the Commonwealth accepted that it was::"the urgent duty of each of their Governments vigorously to combat the evil of apartheid by withholding any form of support for, and by taking every practical step to discourage contact or competition by their nationals with sporting organisations, teams or sportsmen from South Africa or from any other country where sports are organised on the basis of race, colour or ethnic origin." Despite this, Muldoon argued that New Zealand was a free and democratic country, and that "politics should stay out of sport."

Some rugby supporters echoed the separation of politics and sport. Others argued that if the tour were canceled, there would be no reporting of the widespread criticism against apartheid in New Zealand in the controlled South African media. Muldoon's critics, on the other hand, felt that he allowed the tour to go ahead in order for his National Party to secure the votes of rural and provincial conservatives in the general election later in the year. Muldoon won the 1981 election.

The ensuing public protests polarised the New Zealand population. While rugby fans filled the football grounds, protest crowds filled the surrounding streets, and on one occasion succeeded in invading the pitch and stopping the game.

To begin with the anti-tour movement committed themselves, by and large, to a programme of non-violent civil disobedience, demonstration, and direct action. In anticipation of this and as protection for the touring Springboks, the police created two special riot squads, the Red and Blue Squads. These police were, controversially, the first in New Zealand to be issued with visored riot helmets and with what was then referred to as the long baton (more commonly the side-handle baton). Some protesters were intimidated and interpreted this initial police fire power as overkill and heavy-handed tactics. After early disruptions, police began to require that all spectators assemble in sports grounds at least an hour before kick-off.

At Gisborne, protesters managed to break through a fence, but quick action by rugby spectators and ground security prevented the game being disrupted. Some protesters were injured by police batons.

At Lancaster Park, Christchurch, some protesters managed to break through a security cordon and a number managed to invade the pitch. They were quickly removed and forcibly ejected from the stadium by security staff and spectators. However, a large, well coordinated street demonstration managed to occupy the streets immediately outside the ground and confront the riot police. Rugby spectators were kept in the ground until the protestors dispersed.

At Rugby Park, Hamilton (the site of today's Waikato Stadium), about 350 protesters invaded the pitch after pulling down a fence using sheer force. The police arrested about 50 of them over a period of an hour, but were concerned that they could not control the rugby crowd. Following reports that a light plane (piloted by war-veteran Pat McQuarrie) [Chapple, pp 77-78, 91, 99-102] was approaching the stadium, police cancelled the match. The protesters were ushered from the ground advised by protest marshals to remove any anti-tour insignia from their attire, with enraged rugby spectators lashing out at them. Gangs of rugby supporters waited outside the Hamilton police station for arrested protesters to be processed and released, and assaulted protesters making their way into Victoria Street. The aftermath of this game, followed by the bloody dispersal of a sit-down protest in Wellington's Molesworth Street in the following week, in which police allegedly batoned bare-headed, sitting protesters, led to the radicalisation of the protest movement as a whole. A small number of the protesters saw the opportunity to force a confrontation with authority. Many protesters took to protests wearing motorcycle helmets, as a way of protecting themselves from head injury.

The authorities too were forced to make concessions to the protest movement, strengthening security at public facilities after protesters disrupted telecommunications services by damaging a waveguide on a microwave repeater, disrupting telephone and data services, though TV transmissions continued as they were carried by a separate waveguide on the tower. Army engineers were also deployed, and the remaining grounds were surrounded with razor wire and shipping container barricades to decrease the chances of another pitch invasion. At Eden Park, an emergency escape route was constructed from the visitors' changing rooms to allow for the event that the stadium was overrun by protestors.cite news
title = Eden Park revamp uncovers secret escape route
publisher = The New Zealand Herald
url = http://www.nzherald.co.nz/section/1/story.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=10525791
accessdate = 2008-08-07

During the final test match at Eden Park, Auckland, a low-flying light plane piloted by Marx Jones and Grant Cole disrupted the final game of the tour by dropping flour-bombs on the pitch. [http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/video/the-third-test-auckland] "Patches" of criminal gangs, such as traditional rivals Black Power and the Mongrel Mob, were also evident (interestingly enough, the Mongrel Mob were Muldoon supportersFact|date=December 2007). Footage was also shown of the "Clowns Incident": police beating unarmed clowns with batons.

There were, in fact, many peaceful protests around the country, but sporadic violence attracted the press and led to the impression of a nation at war with itself. The police, on the other hand, prevented the release of 'provocative' images (such as an officer on fire after being hit by a molotov cocktail).Fact|date=April 2007 These images were, however, shown to policemen to 'motivate' them before the Auckland test. Perhaps because of this, the tour remained a bizarrely civilised breakdown of order. Neither side used firearms or tear gas. There were no deaths. Some of the more violent policemen were quietly disciplined. Protesters who might, in another country, have faced charges of attempted murder or treason, were charged and convicted of relatively minor and unimportant disorder offencesor acquitted after defence by pro bono lawyers. Leaders of both sides went on to fill important roles in public life.

Some of the protest had the dual purpose of linking alleged racial discrimination against Māori in New Zealand to apartheid in South Africa. Some of the protesters, particularly young Māori, were frustrated by the image of New Zealand as being a paradise for racial unity. Thus it was seen as being useful by many opponents of what they saw as racism in New Zealand in the early 1980s to use the protests against South Africa as a vehicle for wider social action. However, there were many Maoris who supported "The Tour" and attended games, as opposed it.Fact|date=December 2007

The rugby


Although the Muldoon government was re-elected in the 1981 election its majority was reduced from four seats to just one and, as in 1978, Muldoon's National Party received fewer votes than the opposition Labour Party. Whether this decline in popularity was a consequence of Muldoon's support of the tour or part of a larger trend away from his government's paternalistic conservatism is still a matter for debate.

The NZRFU constitution contained much high-minded wording about promoting the image of rugby and New Zealand, and generally being a benefit to society. In 1985 the NZRFU proposed an All Black tour of South Africa. Two lawyers successfully sued the NZRFU, claiming such a tour would breach the NZRFU's constitution. The High Court stopped the All Black tour. The 1981 Springbok tour of New Zealand could arguably have been stopped by the courts: it is interesting that protest groups did not attempt such a remedy within the "system" in 1981. The All Blacks did not tour South Africa until after the fall of the apartheid régime (1990 - 1994), although after the official 1985 tour was cancelled an unofficial tour did take place in 1986 by a team including some but not the majority of All Blacks players. These were known both inside and outside the Republic of South Africa as the New Zealand Cavaliers, but often advertised inside South Africa as the All Blacks or alternatively depicted with the Silver Fern.

Some considered that for the first time in history, rugby in New Zealand had become a source of embarrassment rather than pride. Six years later, however, the team won the Rugby World Cup, in 1987.cite news| title='87 Cup healed '81 tour's wounds |publisher=Otago Daily Times |date=2005-11-18 |last=McMurran |first=Alister]

The role of the police also became more controversial as a result of the tour.

In New Zealand culture

* Prominent artist Ralph Hotere painted a "Black Union Jack" series of paintings in protest of the tour.
* Merata Mita's documentary film "Patu!" tells the tale of the tour from a left-wing perspective.
* John Broughton wrote a stage play, "1981" examining the way The Tour divided a family.
* Music popularly associated with the Tour included the punk band RIOT 111, and the songs [http://www.muzic.net.nz/artists/999.html "Riot Squad"] by the Newmatics and [http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/media/photo/no-depression-in-new-zealand "There Is No Depression In New Zealand"] by Blam Blam Blam.
* Ross Meurant, commander of the police "Red Squad", published "Red Squad Story" in 1982, giving a defensive conservative view. ISBN 0-908630-06-9
* In 1984 Geoff Chapple published "1981: The Tour", a book chronicling the events from the protesters' perspective. ISBN 0-589-01534-6
* In 1999 Glenn Wood's biography "Cop Out" covered the tour from the perspective of a frontline policeman. ISBN 0-908704-89-5
* David Hill, New Zealand author, has written a book, "The Name of the Game" , which is as story of a schoolboy's personal struggles during the tour. ISBN 0-908783-63-9
*New Zealand leftist Tom Newnham's book "By Batons And Barbed Wire" is one of the largest collections of photos and general information of the protest movement during the tour itself. ISBN 0-473-00253-1 (hardback). ISBN 0-473-00112-8 (paperback)
* The documentary, "1981: A Country At War", chronicled the Tour from various perspectives. [http://www.filmarchive.org.nz/archive_presents/1981/1981.html]
* The TVNZ 1980s police drama Mortimer's Patch included a flashback episode of the (younger) main character's Tour police duties

See also

*1971 South Africa rugby union tour of Australia
*All Blacks
*History of South Africa in the apartheid era
*Robert Muldoon
*John Minto

Notes and references


*cite book | first = Geoff | last = Chapple | year = 1984 | title = 1981: The Tour | publisher = A H & A W Reed | location = Wellington | id = ISBN 0-589-01534-6

External links

* [http://library.christchurch.org.nz/Heritage/Posters/1981SpringbokTour/Thumbnails/ Posters at Christchurch City Libraries]
* [http://collections.tepapa.govt.nz/search.aspx?advanced=colCollectionType%3a%22Photography%22+colOnlineTitle%3a%22Springbok%22+colCollectionGroup%3aCH Images of the events surrounding the Springbok Tour in the collection of the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa]
* [http://wairarapa.co.nz/times-age/weekly/2001/springboks_tour.html Online account]
* [http://www.pukeariki.com/en/resources/pathfinders/springbokpath.asp A time line and references]
* [http://www.aucklandcitylibraries.com/findyoursubject/generalhistory/newzealandhistory/the1981springboktourofnewzealand.htm The 1981 Springbok Tour]
* [http://www.nzhistory.net.nz/node/2291 The 1981 Springbok Tour, including history, images and video (NZHistory)]
* [http://digital-library.canterbury.ac.nz/awweb/uc_redirect_spbok.jsp Letters solicited from the New Zealand public after the 1981 Springbok Tour]

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