- Hydrangeaceae
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Hydrangea macrophylla"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Cornales
familia = Hydrangeaceae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = See text.Hydrangeaceae is a family of
flowering plant s in the orderCornales , with a wide distribution inAsia andNorth America , and locally in southeasternEurope .In its broad sense (as treated by the
Angiosperm Phylogeny Group ), the family includes 17 genera, but some botanists divide the family into two, with seven genera split off into a separate family Philadelphaceae.The genera are characterised by leaves in opposite pairs (rarely whorled or alternate), and regular, bisexual
flower s with 4 (rarely 5-12) petals. Thefruit is a capsule orberry containing severalseed s, the seeds with a fleshyendosperm .;Genera
In addition, the genus "
Pottingeria " is sometimes included in the Hydrangeaceae, while others treat it in either theBalanophoraceae , or in its own familyPottingeria ceae.References
* [http://delta-intkey.com/angio/www/hydrange.htm Hydrangeaceae] and [http://delta-intkey.com/angio/www/philadel.htm Philadelphaceae] in [http://delta-intkey.com/angio/ L. Watson and M.J. Dallwitz (1992 onwards). The families of flowering plants.]
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