- Paranor
Shannara location
inhabitants=The Druids
location=The middle of theFour Lands
appearance="The Sword of Shannara "Paranor is a
fictional location inTerry Brooks 'epic fantasy [cite web |url=http://www.terrybrooks.net/novels/index.html |title=Terry Brooks' official website|accessdate=2008-07-18 |last= Speakman |first=Shawn |authorlink= |year=2008 |publisher= ] "Shannara " series. It is the home of the Druids, but it has fallen to enemies of the Druids several times since its initial construction. Brooks has confirmed that the early development of Paranor will be covered "in the final book or books surrounding the First Council of Druids." [cite web| last = Brooks| first = Terry | title = August 2008 Ask Terry Q&A | date = 2008 | url = http://www.terrybrooks.net/askterry/2008.html#august| accessdate = 2008-10-09]History
Paranor was first constructed by builders from all the Races to house the First Druid Council, under the leadership of the Elf Druid Galaphile. At the summit of Paranor is the Druid's Keep, the castle that serves as home and central hub for all Druids since the First Council. The Druid's Keep is sometimes referred to as Paranor because it sits atop the mountain.
Role in the Novels
In the "
First King of Shannara ", Paranor is attacked by the evil forces of theWarlock Lord , including rebel Druids loyal to him. The Druid order is destroyed except for Bremen, Tay Trefenwyd, and Risca. At the end of "First King of Shannara", the newly created "Sword of Shannara" is placed here in a block of Tre-Stone by the son ofJerle Shannara following his death.After the fall of Paranor to evil forces,
Allanon returns to the location on more than one occasion in order to obtain certain knowledges. At one point, Allanon and a party led by himself traveled there to get the Sword of Shannara, only to fall into a trap which was set by the Warlock Lord.Later on, Allanon removes Paranor from the
Four Lands in order to protect it from evil forces. SeveralMord Wraiths and their Gnome guards are trapped and die there. No one saw Paranor again for 300 years untilWalker Boh uses the Black Elfstone to bring it back.See also
*History of the Druids
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