- Ra Province
Ra is one of the fourteenprovinces of Fiji . Occupying the northern area ofViti Levu , the largest island, it is one of eight Viti Levu-based Provinces. With a land area of 1341 square kilometers, it had a population of 30,904 at the1996 census , the last to date. The main urban centre is atVaileka , with a population of 3,361 in1996 .The province includes the districts of
Nalawa ,Nakorotubu ,Rakiraki , andSaivou .These four districts have their own paramount chiefs unlike other provinces where there is paramount chief governing the whole province.The four paramount chiefs are the : Tui Nalawa, Tui Naivitilevu, Ratu ni Natauiya andTuraga na Gonesau .Ra is governed by a Provincial Council, currently chaired by
Ratu Meli Bolobolo,Paramount chief of the tikina Rakiraki .The Ra
dialect of Fijian is distinctive in that the consonant /t/, pronounced elsewhere in Fiji, is pronounced as aglottal stop .
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