- Kurt Dopfer
Kurt Dopfer is the Professor at the Department of Economics,
University of St. Gallen , Switzerland, and also the co-director of the Institute for National Economics.Dopfer is best known for several contributions in
evolutionary economics , such as the axiomatization of evolutionary economic approach (Dopfer, 2001). In his recent publication, Dopfer (2004) argues that a concept of "homo oeconomicus" has to be replaced by the concept of rule-based agent, "homo sapiens oeconomicus".Dopfer with co-authors (Dopfer, Foster, Potts, 2004) has also espoused the introduction of intermediate level of analysis in economics, apart from micro- (individual) and macro- (aggregate) level. The meso-level is where collective behaviour patterns are established, and where
institution s operate. This level works as an intermediary linking micro-level interactions and macro-level dynamics. Thus, importance of institutions in economic analysis is emphasized.ee also
mesoeconomics Publications
* Kurt Dopfer 'Evolutionary Economics: Framework for analysis', in: K. Dopfer, ed. (2001), "Evolutionary Economics: Program and Scope", Recent Economic Thought Series, Boston/Dordrecht/London: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1-44.
* Kurt Dopfer, John Foster, & Jason Potts, 2004. 'Micro-meso-macro,' "Journal of Evolutionary Economics", Springer, vol. 14(3), pp. 263-279. ( [http://www.springerlink.com/content/47u9c50agh51vpkk/ abstract] )
* Kurt Dopfer, 2004. 'The economic agent as rule maker and rule user: Homo Sapiens Oeconomicus,' "Journal of Evolutionary Economics", Springer, vol. 14(2), pp. 177-195.External links
* [http://www.fgn.unisg.ch/org/fgn/web.nsf/c31e7c476ced62cec1256954003e839e/acd0025ae941e10bc1256a07004d407d?OpenDocument Kurt Dopfer's homepage]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.