Interpol Calling

Interpol Calling

"Interpol Calling" was a 1959 Rank Organisation and Jack Wrather Productions television crime drama series for ITC Entertainment.

"Crime knows no frontiers. To combat the growing menace of the international criminal, the police forces of the world have opened up their national boundaries. At their headquarters in Paris, scientifically equipped to match the speed of the jet age, sixty-three nations have linked together to form the International Criminal Police Organisation, INTERPOL!"

The series, which ran for one season of 39 half-hour monchrome episodes, followed the adventures of Interpol policemen Duval and Mornay as they fought against international drug-running, homicide, robbery and forgery.

Main cast

* Charles Korvin as Duval
* Edwin Richfield as Mornay

Guest stars included Patrick Troughton, Robert Cawdron, David Kossoff, Warren Mitchell and Donald Pleasence.

Episode list

This list is believed to be in production order, based on research by users of the Internet Movie Database.

# "The Thirteen Innocents"
# "The Money Game"
# "The Sleeping Giant"
# "The Two-Headed Monster"
# "The Long Weekend"
# "You Can't Die Twice"
# "Diamond S.O.S."
# "Private View"
# "Dead on Arrival"
# "Air Switch"
# "The Angola Brights"
# "The Chinese Mask"
# "Slave Ship"
# "The Man's a Clown"
# "Last Man Lucky"
# "No Flowers for Onno"
# "Mr George"
# "The Thousand Mile Alibi"
# "Act of Piracy"
# "Game for Three Hands"
# "The Collector"
# "The Heiress"
# "Payment in Advance"
# "Checkmate"
# "Fingers of Guilt"
# "The Girl with Grey Hair"
# "Trial at Cranby's Creek"
# "Ascent to Murder"
# "Slow Boat to Amsterdam"
# "White Blackmail"
# "A Foreign Body"
# "In the Swim"
# "The Three Keys"
# "Eight Days Inclusive"
# "Dressed to Kill"
# "Cargo of Death"
# "Desert Hijack"
# "Pipeline"
# "The Absent Assassin".

External links

* []
* [ CTA information]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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