Manius Aquillius (101 BC)

Manius Aquillius (101 BC)

Manius Aquillius, member of the ancient Roman "gens Aquillia", was consul in 101 BC.

Probably a son of Manius Aquillius consul in 129 BC, he was a loyal follower of Gaius Marius. During the election campaign for Marius' fourth consulship, Aquillius was left in command of the army in case the migrating Cimbri attacked before Marius could return to command the army himself.

As a reward for his loyal services, Gaius Marius ran with Aquillius under a joint ticket for the consulship of 101 BC. After the consulship, with Rome struggling with famine caused by the slave revolt on Sicily, Aquillius was sent to put it down. Aquilius completely subdued Salvius and his insurgents, and got a triumph in Rome in 100 BCrf|1|triumph. In 98 BC, Aquillius was accused by Lucius Fufius of maladministration in Sicily. In the trial he was defended by Marcus Antonius Orator, and, even if there were strong proofs of his guilt, he was acquitted because of his bravery in the warrf|2|trial.

In 88 BC he went into Asia as one of the con­sular legates to prosecute the war against Mithridates VI of Pontus and his allies. He was defeated near Protostachium, and was afterwards delivered up to Mithridates by the inhabitants of Mytilene. Mithridates treated him in the most barbarous manner, and eventually put him to death by pouring molten gold down his throatrf|3|mithridates.


* [ Life of Marius by Plutarch]
*Smith, William (editor); "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology", [ "Aquillius (2)"] , Boston, (1867)


ent|1|triumph Florus, [ iii.19] ; Livy, "Epitomes" [ 69] ; Diodorus Siculus. xxxvi. Eel. 1; Cicero, "In Verrem" iii. 54, v. 2; "Fasti Capitolini".ent|2|trial Cicero, "Brutus" 52, "De Officiis" ii. 14, "pro Plancio". 39, "de Oratore". [ 28,47] .ent|3|mithridates Appian, "Mithridatic Wars". [ 7, 19, 21] ; Livy, "Epitomes" 77; Velleius Paterculus [*.html#18 ii. 18] ; Cicero, "Pro Lege Manilia" 5 ; Athen. v. p. 213, b.


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