

OpenI is a Business Intelligence application, designed for web-based use. Based on Java EE with the default implementation running on top of tomcat, OpenI is an out-of-box solution for building and publishing reports from XMLA-compliant OLAP data sources such as Microsoft Analysis Services or Mondrian. It aims to provide consolidated analysis from all the key data components of an intelligent application, including:
*OLAP data sources
*Relational databases
*Statistical data models
*Data mining models

OpenI and Open Intelligence are owned by Loyalty Matrix, Inc. Distributed under a modified version of the Mozilla Public License, [cite web
title=OPENI PUBLIC LICENSE Version 1.0
] OpenI is free software. The modifications relate to the "OpenI" trademark.

External links

* [ OpenI homepage]
* [ OpenI SF]


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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