Igor Pak

Igor Pak

Igor Pak ( _ru. Игорь Пак) (born 1971, Moscow, Russia) is an associate professor of mathematics at the University of Minnesota, working in combinatorics and discrete probability. He formerly taught at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and is best known for his bijective proof of the hook-length formula for the number of Young tableaux, and his work on random walks. Pak has co-authored a paper on Markov chains with László Lovász, which gives him an Erdős number of 2. He was a keynote speaker alongside George Andrews and Doron Zeilberger at the 2006 Harvey Mudd College Mathematics Conference on Enumerative Combinatorics.


Igor Pak went to Moscow High School № 57. After graduating, he worked for a year at Bank Menatep.

Pak did his undergraduate studies at Moscow State University. He was a Ph.D. student of Persi Diaconis at Harvard University. Afterwards, he worked with László Lovász as a postdoc at Yale University. He was a fellow at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, and a long term visitor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

External links

* [http://math.mit.edu/~pak/ Personal site] .
* [http://math.mit.edu/~pak/research.html List of published papers, with abstracts] .
* [http://math.mit.edu MIT Mathematics Department website] .
* [http://ams.org/mathscinet/search/publications.html?extend=1&pg1=IID&r=1&s1=293184 MathSciNet: "Items authored by Pak, Igor."]
* [http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/indices/a-tree/p/Pak:Igor.html DBLP: Igor Pak] .

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