

A hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle, the side opposite of the right angle. The length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle can be found using the Pythagorean theorem, which states that the square of the length of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the lengths of the two other sides.

For example, if one of the other sides has a length of 3 meters (when squared, 9 m²) and the other has a length of 4 m (when squared, 16 m²). Their squares add up to 25 m². The length of the hypotenuse is the square root of this, or 5 m.

The word "hypotenuse" derives, according to some sources, from the Greek ὑποτείνουσα (hypoteinousa), a combination of hypo- ("under") and teinein ("to stretch") [Schwartzman, Steven "The Words of Mathematics, An Etymological Dictionary of Mathematical Terms used in English", Published by the Mathematical Association of America.] . Others suggest the original meaning in Ancient Greek was for a thing which supports something in the manner of a prop or butress dervived from a combination of hypo- ("under") and tenuse ("side"). [cite book |title=Romping Through Mathematics |last=Anderson |first=Raymond |authorlink=Raymond Anderson|coauthors= |year=1947 |publisher=Faber |location= |isbn= |pages=52 ]

ee also

*Triangle geometry
*Space diagonal
*Nonhypotenuse number
*Taxicab geometry




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  • hypotenuse — 1570s, from L.L. hypotenusa, from Gk. hypoteinousa stretching under (the right angle), fem. prp. of hypoteinein, from hypo under (see SUB (Cf. sub )) + teinein to stretch (see TENET (Cf. tenet)). Formerly often erroneously hypothenuse …   Etymology dictionary

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