The POWER3 chip is a CPU, designed and exclusively manufactured by IBM, that implements the 32/64-bit PowerPC instruction set architecture, including all of the optional instructions of the ISA (at the time) such as the POWER2. Released on 5 October 1998, it had two floating-point units, three fixed-point units, and two load-store units. It was originally supposed to be called the PowerPC 630 but was renamed, probably to differentiate the server oriented POWER processors it replaced from the more consumer oriented 32-bit PowerPCs.

POWER3 was used in IBM RS/6000 servers and workstations at 200 MHz. It had 15 million transistors on a 270 mm² die. Its successor, the POWER3-II was manufactured in a copper based process at .25 μm and reached 450 MHz on a 170 mm² die.

POWER3-II was succeeded by the POWER4.

See also

*Power Architecture


* - gives more information about POWER1, POWER2, and POWER3

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