- Cole Ynda
Cole Ynda (born 1958) performed as a percussionist and backup singer for sister Lisa Coleman's band
Wendy and Lisa .Classically trained in music from the age of six, she had her first professional "gig" at the age of ten. Cole, Lisa, and brother David worked together as children on many projects, including a short-lived all-kid band called Waldorf Salad, signed to 70's label A&M.
Wendy & Lisa fans will recognize the voice of her daughter Paloma (then 2 years old) at the end of Fruit at the Bottom chiming out, "Keep saying, 'I love you!'" Cole's son Ian was a few weeks old during the recording of Eroica. "I was holding him in a sling while we recorded the percussion for Skeleton Key. He slept through most of it, but was winding up as we got toward the end of the take...then, WAAAAAH! We kept in on the final mix. You can hear him at the very end of the track."
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