List of Lepidoptera that feed on Vaccinium

List of Lepidoptera that feed on Vaccinium

"Vaccinium" species are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera species, including:


Species which feed exclusively on "Vaccinium"

* Coleophoridae
** Several "Coleophora" case-bearer species:
*** "C. glitzella" - only on Lingonberry ("V. vitis-idaea")
*** "C. idaeella" - only on Lingonberry ("V. vitis-idaea")
*** "C. murinella"
*** "C. uliginosella" - only on Bog Bilberry ("V. uliginosum")
*** "C. vaccinivorella"
*** "C. vitisella" - only on Lingonberry ("V. vitis-idaea")


Species which feed on "Vaccinium" and other plants

* Coleophoridae
** Several "Coleophora" case-bearer species:
*** "C. plumbella" - recorded on Bog Bilberry ("V. uliginosum")
*** "C. vacciniella"

* Gelechiidae
**"Chionodes viduella" - recorded on Bog Bilberry ("V. uliginosum")

* Geometridae
**Autumnal Moth ("Epirrita autumnata")
**Bordered Pug ("Eupithecia succenturiata") - recorded on Bilberry ("V. myrtillus")
**Common Emerald ("Hemithea aestivaria")
**Common Marbled Carpet ("Chloroclysta truncata")
**Common Pug ("Eupithecia vulgata") - recorded on Bilberry ("V. myrtillus")
**The Engrailed ("Ectropis crepuscularia")
**Mottled Beauty ("Alcis repandata")
**Scalloped Hazel ("Odontopera bidentata") - recorded on Bilberry ("V. myrtillus")
**Scalloped Oak ("Crocallis elinguaria")

* Noctuidae
**Dot Moth ("Melanchra persicariae") - recorded on Bilberry ("V. myrtillus")
**Hebrew Character ("Orthosia gothica") - recorded on Bilberry ("V. myrtillus")
**Ingrailed Clay ("Diarsia mendica")
**Setaceous Hebrew Character ("Xestia c-nigrum")
**Small Square-spot ("Diarsia rubi")

* Saturniidae
**Emperor Moth ("Pavonia pavonia")

External links

* [ Caterpillar Hostplants Database]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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