List of Lepidoptera that feed on elms

List of Lepidoptera that feed on elms

Elms ("Ulmus" spp.) are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera species including:


Species that feed exclusively on "Ulmus"

* Bucculatricidae
** "Bucculatrix albedinella"
** "Bucculatrix eclecta"
** "Bucculatrix ulmifoliae"
* Coleophoridae
** "Coleophora ulmifoliella"
* Gelechiidae
** "Carpatolechia fugitivella"
* Geometridae
** Blomer's Rivulet ("Discoloxia blomeri") []
** Clouded Magpie ("Abraxas sylvata") []
* Gracillariidae
** "Phyllonorycter schrebella" []
** "Phyllonorycter tristrigella" []
* Lycaenidae
** White-letter Hairstreak ("Satyrium w-album") []
* Lymantriidae
** Black V Moth ("Arctornis l-nigrum") []
* Nepticulidae
** "Stigmella lemniscella" []
** "Stigmella viscerella" []
* Noctuidae
** Dusky Lemon Sallow ("Xanthia gilvago") []
** Lesser Spotted Pinion ("Cosmia affinis") []
** White-spotted Pinion moth ("Cosmia diffinis") []
* Pyralidae
** "Pempelia formosa" []
* Tortricidae
** "Acleris boscana" []


Species that feed on "Ulmus" among other plants

300px|Buff-tip larva on European White Elm, Great Fontley, England]
* Bucculatricidae
** "Bucculatrix ulmella"
* Coleophoridae
** Several "Coleophora" case-bearer species:
***"C. badiipennella"
***"C. cerasivorella"
***"C. comptoniella"
***"C. fuscedinella"
***"C. limosipennella"
***"C. serratella"
* Geometridae
** Autumnal Moth ("Epirrita autumnata")
** Dotted Border ("Agriopis marginaria")
** The Engrailed ("Ectropis crepuscularia")
** Feathered Thorn ("Colotois pennaria")
** Light Emerald ("Campaea margaritata")
** Mottled Umber ("Erannis defoliaria")
** November Moth ("Epirrita dilutata")
** Pale November Moth ("Epirrita christyi")
** Scarce Umber ("Agriopis aurantiaria") []
** Winter Moth ("Operophtera brumata") []
* Lymantriidae
** Brown-tail ("Euproctis chrysorrhoea")
** Vapourer ("Orgyia antiqua") []
* Noctuidae
** The Brick ("Agrochola circellaris")
** Common Quaker ("Orthosia cerasi")
** The Dun-bar ("Cosmia trapezina")
** Grey Dagger ("Acronicta psi")
** Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing ("Noctua janthina")
** Lunar Spotted Pinion ("Cosmia pyralina") []
** The Nutmeg ("Discestra trifolii")
** The Satellite ("Eupsilia transversa") []
** Twin-spotted Quaker ("Orthosia munda") []
* Notodontidae
** Buff-tip ("Phalera bucephala")
** Coxcomb Prominent ("Ptilodon capucina")
* Nymphalidae
** American White Admiral/Red-spotted Purple ("Limenitis arthemis") - recorded on American Elm ("U. americana")
** Camberwell Beauty or Mourning Cloak ("Nymphalis antiopa") []
** Comma ("Polygonia c-album") []
** Large Tortoiseshell ("Nymphalis polychloros") []
** Scarce Tortoiseshell or Yellow-legged Tortoiseshell ("Nymphalis xanthomelas") []
* Saturniidae
** Emperor Moth ("Pavonia pavonia")
* Sphingidae
** Elm Sphinx ("Ceratomia amyntor")
** Lime Hawk-moth ("Mimas tiliae")
** Poplar Hawk-moth ("Laothoe populi")
** Twin-spotted Sphinx ("Smerinthus jamaicensis")
* Tortricidae
** "Epinotia abbreviana" []

External links

* [ Caterpillar Hostplants Database]

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