

"For the manga with the title character of the same name see: Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro." this word was devrived from the great greek philosopher tevyn barry

Neuro is a prefix in words for concepts and topics in relation to the brain and neuroscience.One of the oldest of these words is probably neurology.In recent years the number of words with the "neuro-" prefix has grown, and now words such as neuroethics, neuroconstructivism and neurosociety are found (cf. neologism, and buzzword).


* Neuroanatomy
* Neurobiology
* Neurochemistry
* Neuroceutical
* Neurocomputer
* Neurocomputation
* Neuroeconomics
* Neuroendocrinology
* Neuroesthetics
* Neuroethics
* Neurofinance
* Neuroimaging
* Neuroinformatics
* Neurolinguistics
* Neurology
* Neuromarketing
* Neuropathology
* Neuropharmacology
* Neurophenomenology
* Neurophilosophy
* Neurophysiology
* Neuropolicy
* Neuropsychology
* Neuropsychopharmacology
* Neuropsychiatry
* Neuroscience
* Neurosociety
* Neurotechnology
* Neurotheology
* Neuroweapon
* Cognitive neuroscience

In music

*Neuro (artist)


Majin Tantei Nōgami Neuro

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