

. [Titsingh, Isaac. (1834). "Annales des empereurs du japon," pp. 150-154; Brown, Delmer "et al." (1979). "Gukanshō," p. 302-307; Varely, H. Paul. (1980). "Jinnō Shōtōki," pp. 192-195.]

Change of era

*; 990: The new era name was created to mark an event or a number of events. The previous era ended and a new one commenced in "Eiso" 3, on the 7th day of the 11th month of 990. [Brown, p. 305.]

Events of the "Shōryaku" era

* "Shōryaku 1" (990):
* "Shōryaku 2", on the 12th day of the 2nd month (991): The former-Emperor En'yū died at the age of 33. [Brown, p. 305.]
* "Shōryaku 3" (992): Nara Governor Kujō Kanetoshi constructed a new temple complex named Shoryaku-ji in response to an Imperial edict. [ [ Nara tourism official site/Shoryaku-ji] ]


* Brown, Delmer and Ichiro Ishida, eds. (1979). [ Jien, c.1220] "Gukanshō; "The Future and the Past: a translation and study of the 'Gukanshō,' an interpretive history of Japan written in 1219" translated from the Japanese and edited by Delmer M. Brown & Ichirō Ishida." Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-03460-0
* Titsingh, Isaac. (1834). [Siyun-sai Rin-siyo/Hayashi Gahō, 1652] . "Nipon o daï itsi ran; ou, Annales des empereurs du Japon, tr. par M. Isaac Titsingh avec l'aide de plusieurs interprètes attachés au comptoir hollandais de Nangasaki; ouvrage re., complété et cor. sur l'original japonais-chinois, accompagné de notes et précédé d'un Aperçu d'histoire mythologique du Japon, par M. J. Klaproth." Paris: Oriental Translation Society of Great Britain and Ireland. [ ... Click link for digitized, full-text copy of this book (in French)]
* Varley, H. Paul , ed. (1980). [ Kitabatake Chikafusa, 1359] , "Jinnō Shōtōki ("A Chronicle of Gods and Sovereigns: Jinnō Shōtōki of Kitabatake Chikafusa" translated by H. Paul Varley)." New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN 0-231-04940-4

External links

* National Diet Library, "The Japanese Calendar" [ -- historical overview plus illustrative images from library's collection]

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