List of Lepidoptera that feed on willows

List of Lepidoptera that feed on willows

Willows ("Salix" spp.) are used as food plants by the larvae (caterpillars) of a large number of Lepidoptera species including the following.

Monophagous species

Species that feed exclusively on "Salix".

* Batrachedridae
** "Batrachedra salicipomenella"
* Coleophoridae
** Several "Coleophora" case-bearer species:
*** "C. albidella"
*** "C. bedella" - feeds on "Salix excelsa"
*** "C. castipennella"
*** "C. kearfottella"
*** "C. zelleriella"
* Geometridae
** Slender Pug ("Eupithecia tenuiata")
* Hepialidae
** "Sthenopis thule"
* Noctuidae
** Minor Shoulder-knot ("Brachylomia viminalis")

Polyphagous species

Species that feed on "Salix" and other plants.

* Arctiidae
** Giant Leopard Moth ("Ecpantheria scribonia")
* Batrachedridae
** "Batrachedra praeangusta"
** "Batrachedra striolata" - recorded on Arroyo Willow ("Salix lasiolepsis")
* Bedelliidae
** "Bedellia somnulentella"
* Coleophoridae
** Several "Coleophora" case-bearer species:
*** "C. anatipennella"
*** "C. atlantica"
*** "C. currucipennella"
*** "C. malivorella"
*** "C. palliatella"
*** "C. piperata"
*** "C. pruniella" - recorded on Crack Willow ("Salix fragilis")
*** "C. salicivorella"
*** "C. viminetella"
* Geometridae
** Autumnal Moth ("Epirrita autumnata")
** Brimstone Moth ("Opisthograptis luteolata")
** Clouded Border ("Lomaspilis marginata")
** Common Emerald ("Hemithea aestivaria")
** Common Marbled Carpet ("Chloroclysta truncata")
** Common Pug ("Eupithecia vulgata")
** Common Wave ("Cabera exanthemata")
** Common White Wave ("Cabera pusaria")
** Dotted Border ("Agriopis marginaria")
** The Engrailed ("Ectropis crepuscularia")
** Feathered Thorn ("Colotois pennaria")
** Grey Pug ("Eupithecia subfuscata")
** Juniper Pug ("Eupithecia pusillata")
** Mottled Beauty ("Alcis repandata")
** Scalloped Hazel ("Odontopera bidentata")
** Scalloped Oak ("Crocallis elinguaria")
** Winter Moth ("Operophtera brumata")
* Hepialidae
** "Sthenopis argenteomaculatus"
** "Sthenopis purpurascens"
* Lymantriidae
** Brown-tail ("Euproctis chrysorrhoea")
** Gypsy moth ("Lymantria dispar")
** Yellow-tail ("Euproctis similis")
* Noctuidae
** Autumnal Rustic ("Eugnorisma glareosa")
** The Brick ("Agrochola circellaris")
** Common Quaker ("Orthosia cerasi")
** Dark Dagger ("Acronicta tridens")
** Dot Moth ("Melanchra persicariae")
** Double Square-spot ("Xestia triangulum")
** The Dun-bar ("Cosmia trapezina")
** Flame Shoulder ("Ochropleura plecta")
** The Gothic ("Naenia typica")
** Grey Chi ("Antitype chi")
** Grey Dagger ("Acronicta psi")
** Hebrew Character ("Orthosia gothica")
** Ingrailed Clay ("Diarsia mendica")
** Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing ("Noctua janthina")
** Lesser Yellow Underwing ("Noctua comes")
** The Miller ("Acronicta leporina")
** Mouse Moth ("Amphipyra tragopoginis")
** Poplar Grey ("Acronicta megacephala")
** The Satellite ("Eupsilia transversa")
** Small Angle Shades ("Euplexia lucipara")
** Small Square-spot ("Diarsia rubi")
** Square-spot Rustic ("Xestia xanthographa")
** Svensson's Copper Underwing ("Amphipyra berbera")
* Notodontidae
** Buff-tip ("Phalera bucephala")
** Coxcomb Prominent ("Ptilodon capucina")
** Poplar Kitten ("Furcula bifida")
** Rough Prominent ("Nadata gibbosa")
* Nymphalidae
** American White Admiral/Red-spotted Purple, "Limenitis arthemis" - recorded on Beaked Willow ("Salix bebbiana") and others
** Viceroy Butterfly ("Limenitis archippus")
* Saturniidae
** Emperor Moth ("Pavonia pavonia")
** Io moth ("Automeris io")
* Sphingidae
** Poplar Hawk-moth ("Laothoe populi")
** Twin-spotted Sphinx ("Smerinthus jamaicensis")

External links

* [ Caterpillar Hostplants Database]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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