IRIS can refer to:

In technology

* IRIS-T, a German air-to-air missile
* International Reactor Innovative and Secure, an advanced light water nuclear reactor design
* Internal Rotary Inspection System, an ultrasonic method for the nondestructive testing of pipes and tubes
* IRIS (missile), an Iranian satellite launcher
* The International Railway Industry Standard
* Infrared interferometer spectrometer and radiometer, a scientific instrument aboard the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft

In computer technology

* [ Internet Registry Information Service] Core Protocol, a proposed query/response protocol for Internet registries
* Infrastructure for Resilient Internet Systems, a peer-to-peer internet project at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
* I.R.I.S. Group, an optical character recognition software company
* IRIS GL, a computer graphics system which evolved into OpenGL

Administrative systems

* IRIS Behaviour Management (standing for "It Really Is Simple"), a web-based school management information system
* Insurance Regulatory Information System, National Association of Insurance Commissioners database
* Iris Recognition Immigration System, an electronic immigration and border control system implemented in the United Kingdom
* Integrated Rutgers Information System, the online public access catalog for many of the Rutgers University libraries

Other uses

* Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship, a defunct hypertext project at Brown University
* Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology, also known as the IRIS Consortium
* Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome, a complication of anti-HIV treatment
* IRIS (Romanian band), a hard-rock band

ee also

* Iris

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  • iris — iris …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • iris — [ iris ] n. m. • XIIIe; lat. iris, iridis, gr. iris, iridos I ♦ Plante (iridacées), à rhizome ou à bulbe et à haute tige portant de grandes fleurs ornementales. Iris des marais, de Florence, d Espagne. Iris violet, jaune. L irone, principe… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • iris — 1. (i ris ) s. f. 1°   Nom d une divinité de la mythologie grecque, qui était la messagère des dieux, et qui, déployant son écharpe, produisait l arc en ciel.    Fig. •   Je tiens à bon augure, de ce que MLLE***, qui m avait abandonné ces jours… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Iris — typically refers to:* Iris (mythology), in Greek mythology, a messenger god and the personification of rainbows * Iris (color), an ambiguous color ranging from blue violet to violet, from the flower of the same nameIris may also refer to:In… …   Wikipedia

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  • IRIS-T — Maquette à ’échelle 1 de l’IRIS T (2005) Présentation Fonction Missile air air Constructeur Diehl BGT Defence Coût à l unité …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • iris — ÍRIS, (I) irisuri, s.n., (II) irişi, s.m. I. s.n. 1. Membrană circulară, colorată a ochiului, situată înaintea cristalinului, în mijlocul căreia se găseşte pupila. 2. Diafragmă cu diametru variabil, folosită la instrumentele optice pentru a regla …   Dicționar Român

  • iris — m. anat. Órgano muscular, contráctil y pigmentado que se halla situado por delante del cristalino y detrás de la córnea. Actúa como un diafragma regulando la cantidad de luz que incide sobre la retina mediante un orificio central (pupila) de… …   Diccionario médico

  • iris — IRIS. s. f. Meteore qu on appelle vulgairement l Arc en ciel. Les couleurs de l iris. l iris se forme dans la nuë par l opposition du Soleil. Il sign. aussi, Une fleur qu on appelle autrement Flambe. L Iris se plaist dans les lieux marescageux.… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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