Terry Lake

Terry Lake

Terry Lake was elected Mayor of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada in 2005. He was first elected to Kamloops City Council in 2002. He was elected to the executive of the Union of British Columbia Municipalities in 2005.His committee appointments for the City of Kamloops include Venture Kamloops, the Kamloops Airport Authority Society and the Parks and Recreation Commission.

He was born in 1957, in Odiham, Hampshire, England. He moved to Calgary, Canada in 1967. After an early career in broadcasting, he became a veterinarian. He owned Coquitlam Animal Hospital from 1989 to 1996, before moving to Kamloops with his family. He taught Animal Health Technology at Thompson Rivers University from 1997 to 2005.

He is the Treasurer for the World Small Animal Veterinary Association. He received the British Columbia Veterinary Association’s 'Award of Merit' in 2001, after organizing the World Small Animal Veterinary Association Congress in Vancouver.

He has three daughters.

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