- 19367 Pink Floyd
Minor Planet
name=19367 Pink Floyd
discoverer=OCA-DLR Asteroid Survey (ODAS) atCaussols
discovery_date=December 3 ,1997
designations=mp|1999 JH|126; mp|1997 XW|3; mp|1985 UZ|2
category=Main belt
epoch=March 06 ,2006 (JD 2453800.5)
semimajor=365.771 Gm (2.445 AU)
perihelion=305.419 Gm (2.042 AU)
aphelion=426.122 Gm (2.848 AU)
period=1396.446 d (3.82 a)
speed=18.92 km/s
dimensions=? km
mass=?e|? kg
density=? g/cm³
gravity=? m/s²
escape_velocity=? km/s
rotation=? d
temperature=~178 K19367 Pink Floyd is an
asteroid that has been named in honor of the English musical groupPink Floyd . It was discovered onDecember 3 ,1997 ref label|harvard|1|^. It is in a 3.82-year elliptical orbit around the sun. Its previous perihelion passage occurred onDecember 23 ,2004 at 9h00 UT.There is little information on the physical properties of 19367 Pink Floyd. Its diameter remains uncertain; range of 3 to 6 km is probable.
19367 Pink Floyd's maximum brightness is estimated to be 1/14958 of the brightness of the faintest objects that can be seen with the human eye.
The asteroid's name is unusual in that it is expressed as two words, instead of "Pinkfloyd" which is the format used by most other minor planets named for individuals or groups (although the asteroid named for the
Rolling Stones is also expressed as two words).References
#note label|harvard|1|^ cite web|url=http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~graff/lists/NumberedMPs.txt|title=Minor Planet List|work=IAU: Minor Planet Center|accessdate=2005-12-24
External links
* [http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/special/rocknroll/0019367.gifOrbit diagram]
* [http://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/sbdb.cgi?sstr=19367%20Pink%20Floyd;orb=1;cov=0;log=0#orb JPL page on 19367 Pink Floyd]
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