- Deformable body
A deformable body is a
physical body thatdeform s, meaning it changes its shape orvolume while being acted upon by an externalforce . The relative position of any points on a deformable body can change. They are the opposite ofrigid bodies and are defined by their elements. The deformable body's ideal representation is an infinite collection of particles that makeup the body's boundary. Inphysics , deformable bodies are much harder to work with and simulate than rigid bodies. Theirequations of motion are more complex because additionalcoordinate system s are required to account for the body's deformation. The theory of small displacements is often used by engineers and physisists to solvesolid mechanics problems involving deformations. This allows for simplifications to the problem to be made, allowing it to be solved much more easily. These approximations allow the solution to very closely resemble reality as long as the deformations remain small. If large displacements are to be considered afinite element analysis may need to be undertaken by an engineer.ee also
Deformable terrain
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.