- Leah Moore
Leah Moore (born
February 4 ,1978 , inNorthampton ) is an Englishwriter . She is the daughter ofAlan Moore and wife ofJohn Reppion and she has worked with both on the comic "Albion". She has also written for other comics and publications including "Tom Strong " and "The End Is Nigh ". Leah and John have co-writing credits on "Wild Girl", a six partlimited series forWildstorm . In 2006 they signed an initial twelve issue contract withDynamite Entertainment , [ [http://www.dynamiteentertainment.com/htmlfiles/moorereppionpress020306.html Dynamite Entertainment announcement of their signing up] ] for whom they produced anintercompany crossover with artist Stephen Segovia, "Witchblade ": "Shades of Gray", co-published withTop Cow , [ [http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=89779 Dyanmite and Top Cow Team for Crossovers] ,Newsarama , November 2, 2006] amongst other things.The duo also contributed to Dark Horse's "The Dark Horse Book of Monsters", the first issue of
Th3rd World Studios ' "Space Doubles ". [ [http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=134332 Talking to the "Space Doubles" team] ,Newsarama , October 26, 2007] [ [http://www.silverbulletcomicbooks.com/reviews/119333231324618.htm Review of "Space Doubles" #1] ,Silver Bullet Comic Books ] andTori Amos 'Comic Book Tattoo (with artistPia Guerra ) amongst others.Comics
* "Wild Girl" (with co-author
John Reppion , and art byShawn McManus andJ.H. Williams III ,Wildstorm , 2006)
* "Albion" (plotted byAlan Moore , with co-authorJohn Reppion , and art byShane Oakley ,Wildstorm , 2006, tpb, Wildstorm, 176 pages, December 2006, ISBN 1-4012-0994-7,Titan Books , 144 pages, January 2007, ISBN 1-84576-351-3)
*Accent Anthologies (with co-authorJohn Reppion ): [ [http://www.accentukcomics.com/ Accent Comics] ]
** "Lusca" (withDavid Hitchcock , in "Monsters", 2006) [ [http://www.accentukcomics.com/monsters/Lusca.html "Lusca" first page] ]
** "An Molethy a an Ny-marrow (The Curse of the Un-dead)" (with David Hitchcock, in "Zombies", 2007) [ [http://www.accentukcomics.com/zombies/AnMolethyAAnNyMarow.html "An Molethy a an Ny-marrow" first page] ]
** "The Cabinet of Doctor Diablo" (with Andy Bloor, in "Robots", 2008) [ [http://www.accentukcomics.com/robots/DoctorDiablo.html "The Cabinet of Doctor Diablo" first page] ]
** "Mrs. Henry" (with David Hitchcock, "Western", 2009, forthcoming)
*"Witchblade ": "Shades of Gray" (with co-authorJohn Reppion , and art byStephen Segovia ,Top Cow /Dynamite Entertainment , 2007)
*"Raise the Dead" (with co-authorJohn Reppion , and pencils byHugo Petrus and inks byMarc Rueda , 4-issue mini-series,Dynamite Entertainment , 2007, tpb, 120 pages, February 2008, ISBN 1-933305-56-8)
*"Savage Tales ": "Battle for Atlantis" (with co-authorJohn Reppion , and art byPablo Marcos , in "Savage Tales" #1-3,Dynamite Entertainment , 2007)
*"Gene Simmons House Of Horrors ": "Into The Woods" (with co-authorJohn Reppion , and art byJeff Zornow ,IDW Publishing , 2007, tpb, 192 pages, April 2008, ISBN 1-60010-209-3)
*"Space Doubles ": "Project: Obeah" (with co-authorJohn Reppion , and art byJeremy Dale andJason Roth ,Th3rd World Studios , 2007)
*"Nevermore": "The Black Cat" (with co-authorJohn Reppion , and art byJames Fletcher , Eye Classics,Self Made Hero , October 2007, ISBN 978-0-9552856-8-4) [ [http://www.selfmadehero.com/classical_eye/nevermore.html "Nevermore" at Selfmadehero] ]
* "Deadeye" (with co-authorJohn Rppion and art byMatt Timson , in "Popgun" #1, "Popgun" #2,Image Comics , 2007/2008)
*"Darkness vs. Eva" (with co-authorJohn Reppion and art byEdgar Salazar , [ [http://www.comicbookresources.com/news/newsitem.cgi?id=13152 In & Out of the Dark Ages: Moore & Reppion on "Darkness vs. Eva"] ,Comic Book Resources , February 26, 2008] [ [http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=150642 Moore & Reppionon Darkness vs. Eva] ,Newsarama , March 19, 2008] )References
External links
* [http://www.moorereppion.com/ Official homepage]
* [http://www.thecomicfanatic.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=614&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0 Glorious Gal: Leah Moore!]
* [http://forbiddenplanet.co.uk/blog/?p=1260 July 2006 interview about "Albion" and future projects] , by Forbidden Planet
* [http://www.dynamiteentertainment.com/htmlfiles/moorereppionpress020306.html Dynamite Entertainment announcement of their signing up]
* [http://fractalmatter.com/main/?p=154 2006 FractalMatter interview]
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