Caryn Kadavy

Caryn Kadavy

Infobox Figure skater
title= Caryn Kadavy

country= USA
dateofbirth= birth date and age|1967|12|9
residence= Erie, Pennsylvania flagicon|Pennsylvania
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Caryn Kadavy (born December 9, 1967 in Erie, Pennsylvania), is an American figure skater known for her classical style in singles skating.

As an amateur, Kadavy made the top three at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships four years in a row, including second place in 1986. She won several competitions in 1985: the U.S. Olympic Festival, Skate Canada International, and the Moscow News Cup. She was a top-ten finisher at the World Figure Skating Championships three times, including a bronze medal in 1987. At the 1988 Winter Olympics, she was in 6th place after the short program, but was forced to withdraw prior to the free skating because of illness. During this period, Kadavy was coached by Carlo Fassi at the Broadmoor Skating Club; she also worked with Toller Cranston prior to the 1987-88 season.

Kadavy went on to skate regularly in professional ice shows throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, and is still active as of 2005. She has won numerous professional championships, including Miko Masters (1993), Hershey's Kisses (1993 and 1994), U.S. Open (1993), Canadian Pro (1996), and Ladies Pro Final (1997), as well as numerous team competitions.

Competitive highlights

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