deal — I n. transaction 1) to close, wrap up (colloq.); do (BE), make (AE), strike a deal with (we closed the deal with them yesterday) treatment 2) a fair, square; raw (colloq.), rotten (colloq.), rough (colloq.) deal (she got a raw deal from her boss) … Combinatory dictionary
deal — 1 vb dealt, deal·ing vt: to carry on the business of buying or esp. selling (something) deal ing drugs vi 1: to engage in bargaining 2: to sell or distribute something as a business or for money deal … Law dictionary
transaction — trans·ac·tion /tran zak shən, sak / n 1: something transacted; esp: an exchange or transfer of goods, services, or funds 2 a: an act, process, or instance of transacting b: an action or activity involving two parties or things that reciprocally… … Law dictionary
deal — [n1] agreement, bargain accord, arrangement, buy, compromise, conception, contract, pact, pledge, prearrangement, transaction, understanding; concept 684 Ant. disagreement, misunderstanding deal [n2] amount, share abundance, degree, distribution … New thesaurus
deal with — deal [n1] agreement, bargain accord, arrangement, buy, compromise, conception, contract, pact, pledge, prearrangement, transaction, understanding; concept 684 Ant. disagreement, misunderstanding deal [n2] amount, share abundance, degree,… … New thesaurus
transaction bible — England, Wales Also known as bible or bible of documents . The set of main documents signed in a deal which are grouped together for ease of reference. In a loan transaction, the lender s solicitor usually prepares the bible and circulates copies … Law dictionary
deal — deal1 [dēl] vt. dealt, dealing [ME delen < OE dǣlan, to divide, share, akin to Ger teilen: see DEAL2] 1. to portion out or distribute 2. to give; administer [to deal someone a blow ] ☆ 3. Slang to sell (illegal drugs) … English World dictionary
transaction processing — ➔ processing * * * transaction processing UK US noun [U] ► IT the use of a computer system to organize transactions (= actions that change information) in a database ► COMMERCE the system used by a company to deal with its sales: »The Service… … Financial and business terms
transaction — [n] business dealing; undertaking act, action, activity, affair, agreement, bargain, bond, business, buying, compact, contract, convention, coup, covenant, deal, deed, disposal, doings*, enterprise, event, execution, goings on*, happening,… … New thesaurus
transaction — [tran zak′shən, transak′shən] n. [L transactio] 1. a transacting or being transacted 2. something transacted; specif., a) a business deal or agreement b) [pl.] a record of the proceedings of a society, convention, etc., esp. a published one… … English World dictionary