

Finisterre may mean:

The Atlantic

* Cape Finisterre, the headland that is the westernmost point in Spain.
* FitzRoy, a sea area on the United Kingdom Shipping Forecast formerly known as "Finisterre" which was renamed in 2002 to avoid confusion with the Spanish headland.


* "Finisterre (Saint Etienne)", an album from the band Saint Etienne , and a subsequent film based around footage of London filmed for use at the band's concerts of the time.
*Finisterre (band), an Italian progressive rock group led by Fabio Zuffanti


* Finisterre Range, a mountain range in Papua New Guinea
* Finisterre (poetry), a 1943 poetry collection by Italian author Eugenio Montale.
* Finisterre (poem), a poem by Sylvia Plath.
*Finisterre (yacht), a sailing yacht renowned for its racing record in the 1950s.
*Finisterre universe, a fictional universe created by American science fiction and fantasy author C. J. Cherryh.
*A character in Portland Bill (cartoon)
*Finisterre was the word used on ancient maps to indicate land's end, or edge of the earth
*Finisterre, a company specialising in Technical Apparel for the Surfer, based in St Agnes, Cornwall. [ Finisterre]
*Finisterre Capital, a Hedge Fund manager specialising in Emerging Markets [ Finisterre Capital]
*FV "Finisterre" a crabber lost at St. Ives, Cornwall in 1946.See also:
*Finistère, a French "département".
* HMS Finisterre (D55), a Battle-class destroyer of the Royal Navy.

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