

A brakeman is a trainboard rail transport worker in the U.S. Historically, the brakeman was the person who would walk the length of a train atop the cars while the train is in motion and turn the brake wheel on each car to apply the train's brakes. A brakeman's duties also included ensuring that the couplings between cars were properly set, lining switches and signalling to the train operators while performing switching operations.

As rail transport technology has improved, a brakeman's duties have been reduced and altered to match the updated technology, and the brakeman's job has become much safer than it was in the early days of railroading. Individually operated car brakes were replaced with automatic air brakes, eliminating the need for the brakeman to walk atop a moving train to set the brakes. Link and pin couplings were replaced with automatic couplings, and hand signals were replaced with two-way radio communication.


Freight and yard crews consisting of conductor, engineer and brakeman usually employ the brakeman in throwing hand operated track switches to line up for switching moves and assisting in cuts and hitches as cars are dropped off and picked up.

In passenger service, the brakeman (called trainman or assistant conductor) collects revenue, may operate door "through switches" for specific platforming needs, makes announcements and operates trainline door open and close controls when required to assist the conductor. A passenger service trainman is often required to qualify as a conductor after 1 to 2 years experience. The rear end trainman signals to the conductor when all the train's doors are safely closed, then boards and closes his/her door.

See also

* Jimmie Rodgers, "the Singing Brakeman"
* Passenger guard – "UK equivalent for passenger operations"


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  • Brakeman — Brake man (br[=a]k man), n.; pl. {Brakemen} (br[=a]k men). [1913 Webster] 1. (Railroads) A man in charge of a brake or brakes. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mining) The man in charge of the winding (or hoisting) engine for a mine. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • brakeman — ☆ brakeman [brāk′mən ] n. pl. brakemen [brāk′mən] 1. a railroad worker who operated the brakes on a train, but is now chiefly an assistant to the conductor 2. the last person on a bobsled team, who operates the brake, controlling skids and… …   English World dictionary

  • brakeman — noun Date: 1833 1. a freight or passenger train crew member who inspects the train and assists the conductor 2. the member of a bobsled team who operates the brake …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • brakeman — /brayk meuhn/, n., pl. brakemen. 1. a railroad worker who assists the conductor in the operation of a train. 2. brake1 (def. 4). [1825 35; BRAKE1 + MAN] * * * …   Universalium

  • brakeman — noun A railroad employee responsible for a trains brakes, couplings etc Syn: brakesman …   Wiktionary

  • brakeman — n. one who assists the conductor of a train and oversees the operation of the train s brakes …   English contemporary dictionary

  • brakeman — noun (plural brakemen) 1》 (Brit. also brakesman) chiefly N. Amer. a railway worker responsible for a train s brakes. 2》 a person in charge of the brakes in a bobsleigh …   English new terms dictionary

  • brakeman — brake·man …   English syllables

  • brakeman — brake•man [[t]ˈbreɪk mən[/t]] n. pl. men rai a railroad worker who assists the conductor in the operation of a train • Etymology: 1825–35 …   From formal English to slang

  • brakeman — n. (pl. men) 1 US an official on a train, responsible for maintenance on a journey. 2 a person in charge of brakes. Etymology: BRAKE(1) + MAN …   Useful english dictionary

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