Bau Island

Bau Island

Bau (IPA2|mba u) is a small island in Fiji, off the east coast of the main island of Viti Levu.

In History

The island has a historical and political importance beyond its size. A disproportionate number of the leaders of Fiji have been natives of Bau. With the aid of Charles Savage, who brought firearms to Bau Island, the Bauan people quickly established themselves as an undefeatable military force. With that unmatched power, Seru Epenisa Cakobau was able to unite all of Fiji's disparate tribes under his authority.

Chiefly Titles

Significant chiefly titles from Bau include the Vunivalu (considered to be Fiji's premier chiefly title), and the Roko Tui Bau, currently held by "Ratu" Joni Madraiwiwi, the former Vice-President of Fiji.

Territories and Landmarks

Bau is the capital of the Kubuna Confederacy (also known as the Kubuna Tribe) and the chiefly centre of Tailevu Province. It is divided into three villages - Bau, Lasakau, and Soso.

Among Bau's landmarks are Fiji's oldest Christian church and a stone on which the skulls of cannibalism victims were crushed.


The Fijian language has many dialects, but the official standard is based on the speech of Bau Island.

Notes and References

* "Gone Native" in Polynesia: Captivity Narratives and Experiences from the South Pacific (Page 24, 64, 121) - by Ian Christopher Campbell - 1998 - 167 pages

* James Calvert ; Or, From Dark to Dawn in Fiji - Page 44, by R. Vernon - 1890 - 160 pages

External links

* [ Bau Island]
* Details and Photographs by FijiBure of [ Bau Island]
* Details and statistics on [ Bau and its history]

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