

The term "Yuna" may refer to:

* Yuna is a female first name from the Bretagne region of France, a translation of the French "Jeanne".
* Yuna is an antagonist character in the Capcom video game, "Breath of Fire IV".
* Yuna (Final Fantasy) is a primary character in several video games produced by Squaresoft, particularly "Final Fantasy X" and "Final Fantasy X-2".
* Konnyaku Yuna, a fictional character from the anime "Kage Kara Mamoru!".
* Kagurazaka Yuna is the main character in the anime and video game series "Galaxy Fraulein Yuna".
* Yuna River is an important body of water located in the northeastern coast of the Dominican Republic.
* "Hibiscus tiliaceus"—also known as the "Sea Hibiscus", "Yuna" (Japanese), "Baru Baru/Baru Laut" (Malay), "Gumamela" (Philippine), "Hau" (Hawaiian)—a plant found predominantly in the Polynesian region.
* Yuna Ito, is a Japanese-Korean pop star.
* Kim Yu-Na, a Korean figure skater

* Yuna, Western Australia

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