- Harold McCluskey
Harold R. McCluskey (1912 –
August 17 ,1987 ) was a chemical operations technician at the Hanford Plutonium Finishing Plant located inWashington state who, onApril 24 1976 , is known for having survived exposure to the highest dose ofamericium radiation ever recorded. He became known as the 'Atomic Man'.cite news | first = Annette | last = Cary | title=Doctor remembers Hanford's 'Atomic Man' | publisher = "Tri-City Herald" | url = http://www.hanfordnews.com/news/2008/story/11403.html | date=2008-04-25 | accessdate=2008-06-17]On
August 30 ,1976 , McCluskey at the age of 64 was exposed to 500 times the occupational standard for americium 241, aplutonium byproduct, during an accident in a glove box resulting in an explosion. As nitric acid was added to a column containing resin and americium, the chemicals exploded, blowing out the leaded glass of the glove box.He was placed in isolation in the Hanford Emergency Decontamination Facility (because of risk of exposure to other individuals) for five months and underwent
chelation therapy usingDTPA by Dr. Bryce Breitenstein. By 1977, his body’s radiation count had fallen by about 80 percent. When the worker returned home, friends and church members avoided him. His minister finally had to tell people it was safe to be around him. He died of natural causes in 1987 at age 75. [cite news | author = AP wire | title = Hanford nuclear workers enter site of worst contamination accident | url = http://www.billingsgazette.com/index.php?id=1&display=rednews/2005/06/03/build/nation/94-contamination.inc | date = 2005-06-03 | accessdate = 2007-06-17 ]Although McCluskey largely avoided the media, Breitenstein said he sometimes accompanied the doctor when he gave lectures on the case. "He really wanted people to know what happened as long as it is rationally presented," Breitenstein said. McCluskey several times spoke in favor of developing nuclear power after the explosion, saying he saw his injuries as the result of "purely an industrial accident." He died on
August 17 ,1987 of coronary artery disease, unrelated to the radiation exposure.References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.