Stan Lauryssens

Stan Lauryssens

Stan Lauryssens (born 1946) is a Belgian writer.

As a journalist in the 1970s and 1980s, Lauryssens travelled the world and interviewed Jack Higgins Harold Robbins, Catherine Cookson, Konsalik, Thor Heyerdahl, Charles de Gaulle and Andy Warhol. He had prolonged meetings with Hitlers henchmen: Karl Dönitz, Sir Oswald Mosley, Leni Riefenstahl, Adolf Eichmanns family, and Otto Günsche and has written five books about the Nazis. He is known to write fake interviews and has been in jail several times for fraud and for not paying alimony. He has also sold stolen works of art etc.

Lauryssens wrote the book "Dalí and I" about his experiences with the surrealist painter. Room 9 Entertainment in Hollywood bought the film rights. Academy Award nominee Andrew Niccol rewrote the screenplay and will direct the film, entitled "Dali & I: The Surreal Story". Lauryssens will be played by Cillian Murphy, with Al Pacino as Dalí.

His non-fiction books were serialised in "The Mail on Sunday" and are published in English, French, Italian and Polish and have gained cult status in Japan. His first thriller, "Black Snow", won him the Hercule Poirot Award 2002 for best crime fiction of the year, and was followed by "Dead Corpses" (2003) and "Red Roses" (2004), "Deader Than Dead Too" (2005), "More than Naked" (2005) and "No Time for Tears" (2006).

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