Washington State Route 106 — Infobox WA State Route|parent type=U.S.|parent=101|route=106|sec=185|length mi=20|length km=33|type=State dir1=West|dir2=East from= to= previous type=WA previous route=105 next type=WA next route=107State Route 106 is a highway that connects… … Wikipedia
POTLATCH — Le mot «potlatch» est emprunté au chinook (devenu jargon de traite au XIXe siècle sur la côte nord ouest d’Amérique du Nord); il signifiait «action de donner». Le terme est utilisé par les ethnologues américains pour désigner diverses cérémonies… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Potlatch River — Einzugsgebiet des Clearwater Rivers, der Potlatch River ist links oben erkennbar … Deutsch Wikipedia
Potlatch (disambiguation) — Potlatch may refer to:*Potlatch, a ceremony among Indigenous peoples in North America *Potlatch Corporation, a Fortune 1000 sustainable forest paper and paperboard producer *Potlatch, Idaho, a town in the United States *Potlatch State Park, 57… … Wikipedia
Potlatch — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Indios norteamericanos participando en una ceremonia de Potlatch Potlatch es el nombre de una ceremonia practicada por los pueblos indios de la costa del Pacífico en el noroeste de Norteamérica, tanto en los Estados … Wikipedia Español
Potlatch Corp. — Potlatch Corporation nyse|PCH is an American diversified forest products company based in Spokane, Washington. Its products include lumber and panels, bleached pulp, paperboard and consumer tissue. It has approximately 4,100 employees. Financial… … Wikipedia
Potlatch — A potlatch [Potlatch. Oxford English Dictionary. [http://dictionary.oed.com/cgi/entry/50185464 Retrieved on April 26, 2007] .] [Potlatch. Dictionary.com. [http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/potlatch Retrieved on April 26, 2007] .] [Aldona… … Wikipedia
Potlatch — Ein Potlatch (auch Potlach oder Potlatsch) ist ein Fest der amerikanischen Indianer der nordwestlichen Pazifikküste. Bei ihm werden in ritueller Weise Geschenke verteilt oder ausgetauscht. Je wertvoller und erlesener die gereichten Gaben… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Washington State Route 106 — Karte … Deutsch Wikipedia
Washington Natural Areas Program — The Washington Natural Areas Program, part of the Washington Department of Natural Resources, manages dozens of natural areas owned by the US state of Washington. These areas have received funding through the state s general fund since the… … Wikipedia