

Atlin may either be:

*Atlin Lake, one of British Columbia's largest lakes
*Atlin, British Columbia, a town in the far northwest of British Columbia, named for the lake
*the Atlin Gold Rush, a Klondike-era gold rush in British Columbia, centred on the town of Atlin
*Atlin District, the name for the region including Atlin, and also of a formal mining district of nearly the same territory, in charge of ming fees, licenses, and assays in the region
*Atlin (electoral district), a defunct provincial electoral district in British Columbia
*Comox—Atlin, a defunct federal electoral district in British Columbia
*the Atlin Volcanic Field, a geological area

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  • Atlin, British Columbia — Atlin is a community in northwestern British Columbia, Canada, located on Atlin Lake. It can be reached from an unnumbered road in British Columbia that connects with the Atlin Road, Yukon territorial highway 7. As of 2004, there are 450… …   Wikipedia

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  • Atlin (electoral district) — Atlin was a provincial electoral district in the Canadian province of British Columbia. It made its first appearance on the hustings in the 10th provincial general election in 1903 and last appeared in the 34th provincial general election in 1986 …   Wikipedia

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  • Atlin District — The Atlin District, also known as the Atlin Country, is a historical region located in the far northwestern corner of the Canadian province of British Columbia, centred on Atlin Lake and the gold rush capital of the region, the town of Atlin. The …   Wikipedia

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