VETËVENDOSJE! (Albanian for 'Self-Determination') is a group in Kosovo which opposes the United Nations administration in the country and campaigns for the independence of Kosovo as part of a Kosovo Albanian right of self-determination. The dominant figure in the group is the Kosovo Albanian activist, Albin Kurti.

The group campaigns through graffiti opposing the negotiations for the final status of Kosovo. The graffiti in Albanian is: "Jo Negociata -- Vetëvendosje!" (Albanian for "No negotiation - Self-determination!"). The targets of Vetevendosje activists also include the vehicles of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) with UN signs, to which the activists add F at the beginning and D at the end resulting in "FUND" signs, which in Albanian means "The End". The group also opposes the decentralisation process which they fear will lead to the division of Kosovo along ethnic lines, separating Kosovo into ethnic Albanian and Serbian parts.

The group has also organised protests in front of the headquarters of the United Nations in both New York and in Kosovo during the visits of the heads of state of Serbia.

See also

* Radio Show PËRBALLJA

External links

* The official website of [ VETËVENDOSJE!]

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