- List of Lepidoptera that feed on larches
Larch es ("Larix" spp.) are used as food plants by thelarva e of a number ofLepidoptera species , including:Monophagous
Species which feed exclusively on "Larix"
** Several "Coleophora " case-bearer species:
*** "C. laricella"
*** "C. obducta"
*** "C. sibiricella" - only found onEuropean Larch ("L. decidua")
**"Chionodes tragicella "Polyphagous
Species which feed on "Larix" and other plants
**Autumnal Moth ("Epirrita autumnata")
**Bordered White ("Bupalis piniaria")
**Common Emerald ("Hemithea aestivaria")
**The Engrailed ("Ectropis crepuscularia")
**Grey Pug ("Eupithecia subfuscata")
**Mottled Umber ("Erannis defoliaria")
**Scalloped Hazel ("Odontopera bidentata")
**Winter Moth ("Operophtera brumata")
**Dot Moth ("Melanchra persicariae")
**Pine Beauty ("Panolis flammea")
**Pine Processionary ("Thaumetopoea pityocampa")External links
* [http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/projects/hostplants/ Caterpillar Hostplants Database]
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