

Infobox Software
name = yafc - Yet Another FTP Client

caption =
developer = John Buswell
released = ?
frequently_updated = yes
programming language = ?
operating system = Linux, UNIX/POSIX
language = ?
genre = FTP client
license = GPL
website = [http://yafc.sourceforge.net yafc.sourceforge.net]

Yafc is a command-line FTP program, its name an acronym for 'Yet Another FTP Client'. It is developed in and available for Linux under the GPL license, but there should be little or no problem compiling it on any nearly POSIX-compliant Unix with an ANSI C compiler. It is command line controlled, but that is what makes it so powerful.It has been developed to allow full number of features:
* cached directory listings
* extensive tab completion
* aliases
* colored ls (ie, ls --color, uses $LS_COLORS like GNU ls)
* automatic reconnect on timed out connections
* recursive get/put/fxp/ls/rm
* nohup mode transfers
* multiple connections open simultaneously
* tagging (queueing)
* very configurable
* autologin and bookmarks
* automagically enters nohup-mode when SIGHUP received (in get and put)
* redirection to local command or file
* proxy support
* Kerberos support (version 4 and 5, heimdal, kth-krb or MIT)
* SSH2 support (sftp)
* Normal file transfer support (ftp)

See also

*Comparison of FTP client software

External links

* [http://yafc.sourceforge.net/ Home page for Yafc]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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