Shigeko Kubota — 茂子 久保田 Nacimiento 1937 Niigata Nacionalidad Japón Área … Wikipedia Español
Kubota — bezeichnet: ein Unternehmen: Kubota (Unternehmen) eine Stadt in der Präfektur Saga: Kubota (Saga) (heute: Saga (Saga)) ein Lehen in der Provinz Ugo: Kubota (Ugo) ein Lehen in der Provinz Iwaki: Kubota (Iwaki) Kubota ist der Familienname folgender … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kubota (disambiguation) — Kubota (kanji: ) is a Japanese surname and placename, and may refer to the following: *Dr. Kubota, the antagonist in Ordyne . *Kazuteru Kubota a.k.a. Koriki Chōshū, comedian *Kubota Corporation, tractor and heavy equipment manufacturer. *Kubota,… … Wikipedia
Кубота — (яп. 久保田?, также 窪田) Японская фамилия и топоним. Dr. Kubota антагонист в «Ordyne» (англ.). Kubota Kazuteru a.k.a. Koriki Chōshū (англ.) комик. Kubota производитель тракторов и тяжёлой техники … Википедия
Lance Fung Gallery — was established at 537 Broadway in New York City in 1996 and shared an exhibition space with Emily Harvey Gallery. It closed its doors in 2003. Previously, Lance Fung had been the director of Holly Solomon Gallery for several years. The venue… … Wikipedia
Phong Bui — (born September 17, 1964, in Hue, Vietnam) is an artist, writer, and independent curator. He is currently a curatorial advisor at P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center, Museum of Modern Art affiliate. Two of his installations in 2006 won him the Award in … Wikipedia
Fluxus — a name taken from a Latin word meaning to flow is an international network of artists, composers and designers noted for blending different artistic media and disciplines in the 1960s. They have been active in Neo Dada noise music and visual art… … Wikipedia
Nam June Paik — The picture was taken by Lim Young kyun in 1983 while Nam June Paik was in New York City Korean name Hangul … Wikipedia
Video sculpture — Video sculptures, a type of video installation, involve one or more video screens that spectators move among or stand in front of. Video sculptures formed of more than one screen may broadcast a single program or may simultaneously broadcast… … Wikipedia
Documenta 6 — „Rahmenbau“ von Haus Rucker Co Die documenta 6 fand vom 24. Juni bis 2. Oktober 1977 in Kassel statt und war die größte je veranstaltete Kunstausstellung in Deutschland. Ihr künstlerischer Leiter war Manfred Schneckenburger, Wieland Schmied war… … Deutsch Wikipedia