

Penology (from the Latin "poena", "punishment") comprises penitentiary science: that concerned with the processes devised and adopted for the punishment, repression, and prevention of crime, and the treatment of prisoners.

Contemporary penology concerns itself mainly with prison management and criminal rehabilitation. The word seldom applies to theories and practices of punishment in less formal environments such as parenting.

This theory of punishment is based on the notion that punishment is to be inflicted on offenders so as to reform them, or rehabilitate them so as to make their re-integration into society easier. Punishments that are in accordance with this theory are community service, probation orders, and those which entail guidance and aftercare of the offender.

This theory is founded on the belief that one cannot inflict a severe punishment of imprisonment and expect the offender to be reformed and able to re-integrate into society upon release. Although the importance of inflicting punishment on those persons who breach the law, so as to maintain social order, is retained, the importance of rehabilitation is also given priority.

See also

* "Discipline and Punish" by Michel Foucault, Julio Angel Camino and Culberto Molina
* Auburn System
* Elmira System
* Zebulon Brockway
* Ankle monitor

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  • penology — pe·nol·o·gy /pi nä lə jē/ n: a branch of criminology dealing with prison management and the treatment of offenders pe·no·log·i·cal /ˌpē nə läj ə kəl/ adj pe·nol·o·gist /pi nä lə jist/ n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster …   Law dictionary

  • Penology — Pe*nol o*gy, n. [Gr. ?, or L. poena, punishment + logy.] The science or art of punishment. [Written also {p[oe]nology}.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • penology — study of punishment and crime prevention, 1838, from Gk. poine fine, penalty, L. poena penalty, punishment (see PENAL (Cf. penal)) + OLOGY (Cf. ology) study of …   Etymology dictionary

  • penology — [pē näl′ə jē] n. [< L poena or Gr poinē, punishment (see PENAL) + LOGY] the study of the reformation and rehabilitation of criminals and of the management of prisons penological [pē΄nə läj′i kəl] adj. penologist n …   English World dictionary

  • penology — penological /peen l oj i keuhl/, adj. penologist, n. /pee nol euh jee/, n. 1. the study of the punishment of crime, in both its deterrent and its reformatory aspects. 2. the study of the management of prisons. Also, poenology. [1830 40; peno… …   Universalium

  • penology — noun Etymology: Greek poinē penalty + English logy more at pain Date: 1838 a branch of criminology dealing with prison management and the treatment of offenders • penological adjective • penologist noun …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • penology — noun of the processes devised and adopted for the punishment and prevention of crime …   Wiktionary

  • penology — pe·nol·o·gy pi näl ə jē n, pl gies a branch of criminology dealing with prison management and the treatment of offenders pe·no·log·i·cal .pē nə läj i kəl adj …   Medical dictionary

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  • penology — pe|nol|o|gy [pi:ˈnɔlədʒi US ˈna:l ] n [U] [Date: 1800 1900; : Latin; Origin: poena; PENAL] the study of prisons and the punishment of criminals >penologist n …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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