

Nonpop is a meta-genre comprising the overlapping genres of modern music, avant-garde music, performance art, new music, art music, experimental music, contemporary classical music, and similar genres. Like nonfiction, nonpop is spelled without a hyphen.


The term nonpop is controversial, having been introduced on [ Kalvos & Damian's New Music Bazaar] in 2001. The show's hosts, composers Dennis Bathory-Kitsz and David Gunn, defended the term against accusations of negativity by analogy to the meta-genres of fiction and nonfiction. The term has seen increasing use, but met with resistance from traditional media.

The most common problem with introducing meta-genres is the placement of genres which cross boundaries, and those whose commercial intentions coexist with artistic intentions. Nonpop emcompasses 'art' forms of jazz and popular music.

One occurrence of "non-pop" (hyphenated, but with the same meaning) has been documented some years ago in a presentation by composer Ned Rorem.

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