- Louis Vezelis
Louis Vezelis, OFM (born 1930) is an American
Traditionalist Catholic Franciscan bishop .Early life
He was born on January 29, 1930 to Lithuanian immigrants in
Rochester, New York . There, he received the sacraments at his local parish and a normal elementary and secondary education, attending Rochester'sAquinas Institute and theminor seminary of theHoly Ghost Fathers .Invested in the habit in 1949 as a member of the Order of
Friars Minor 'sLithuania n Vicariate, Vezelis made his novitiate under the AmericanSacred Heart Province and studied philosophy in theImmaculate Conception Province. He went to the Franciscan Seminary inMontreal for theology. During this period he received the various minor and major orders and onJune 16 ,1956 Father Louis was ordained to the Priesthood in the Montrealchapel byPaul-Emile Cardinal Leger . Until 1957 he preached and administered the Sacraments in theUnited States .Missionary Work
Receiving the "obedience" or mandate of the
minister general of the Order, Most Rev. Augustine Sepinski, OFM to establish the Franciscans, especially inKorea , he spent 18 years in theFar East missions where he ministered to both natives and American soldiers. While there, Father Louis built aseminary , friaries,parishes ,schools and other housing and was elected asdefinitor of the province. A faithfulmissionary with a special affection for the Korean people whose language he learned very well, but dismayed by the liturgical and doctrinal changes in the Church, he returned to theUnited States in June, 1975 to be fund-raiser for the Korean missions, and also sought to establish a newspaper in that language for the many Catholic immigrants from that country to the U.S. Since his missionary days, he has had a unique situation: directly under the minister general, and not a provincial. His Korean name is Park Song Wee.Rejection of Vatican II and Sedevacantism
In the spring of 1978, Father Louis was stated to be "automatically dismissed" from the Lithuanian vicariate and the Franciscan Order on grounds of removing himself from the jurisdiction of his superiors. Vezelis believed that by accepting the revolutionary liturgical and doctrinal reforms of the
Second Vatican Council the other friars and superiors had left the Church. The same year he became involved with the traditionalist Catholic movement and offered Mass for the faithful including those followingMarcel Lefebvre . Eventually he distanced himself from that movement, concluding that not only was Lefebvre a self-accused schismatic, but that his priesthood and episcopate were invalid due to ordination and consecration by a reputedFreemason ,Achille Liénart .On
October 4 ,1979 Father Louis founded Our Lady of the Angels Friary in his native Rochester and received the first novices in the next years, giving them religious formation. On the vigil of Pentecost of 1982, already suspicious of the legitimacy of the popes since the death ofPius XII , he became convinced of the sedevacantist position afterJohn Paul II embracedRobert Runcie and called their churches "sister."Illicit Ordination and Later Life
Having been introduced to Bishop
George Musey in the line of Archbishop Ngô Ðình Thuc Pierre Martin, Father Louis was asked to receive episcopal consecration from the traditionalist bishops and consecrated on August 24, 1982. According to mostCatholics , Vezelis' ordination was illicit undercanon law because it did not have the approval of the Pope and therefore carried the penalty oflatae sententiae excommunication . Vezelis' territory was the United States east of theMississippi River , Musey's the western part of the country, including Florida. Priests includingRobert McKenna submitted to Vezelis as their ordinary. From 1983-1984 Archbishop Ngo lived with Bishop Louis at the Rochester Friary.Four priests were produced from St. Bonaventure Seminary which enabled the Franciscans to accept responsibility for four churches and numerous missions, most of which still exist. Currently there are six
friars (two bishops, two priests, and two brothers - one lay, the other a student for the priesthood).Fact|date=April 2008Episcopal Consecrations
Bishop Vezelis has consecrated two other bishops. The first, as his successor and ordinary of the Western Diocese, Bishop
Giles Butler , OFM onAugust 24 ,2005 . The two Franciscan bishops then consecrated a secular Mexican priest, BishopLuis Alberto Madrigal , onDecember 12 ,2007 .Writings and Holocaust Denial
Bishop Vezelis edits the "Seraph", now in its 28th year of publication.
Vezelis has repeatedly condemned the Holocaust as a hoax. In an article written for the "Seraph", later republished on the website of the
Institute for Historical Review , an organization widely accused ofHolocaust Denial , Vezelis wrote:In a dispute with Catholic apologist
Karl Keating , Vezelis wrote:Vezelis is the author of "Discernment of Spirits", "Sedevacantism: The only honest response to a painful reality,", and "Archbishop Ngo-Dinh-Thuc: Martyr for the Faith".
date of consecration=August 24 1982
consecrated by=George Musey
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consecration date 1=August 24 2005
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bishop 2=Luis Alberto Madrigal
consecration date 2=December 12 2007
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* [http://www.friarsminor.org/ Friars Minor] (Official website of the Bishop's order)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.