DKP Log Parser

DKP Log Parser
DKP Log Parser
DKPLP interface.jpg
DKP Log Parser
Developer(s) Andreas Launila
Stable release 1.4.1 / January 8, 2007
Operating system Windows, Linux
Type Parsers
License GPL

DKP Log Parser is an open source tool designed to help administrate a time-based DKP reward system in conjunction with EQDKP. The tool is mainly a parser compatible with most kind of logs thanks to the flexible patterns. There are currently predefined patterns for EverQuest, EverQuest II and World of Warcraft.


DKP reward system

The reward system used by the program is based on time-based DKP. Some other DKP reward systems are based on that one log is taken for each raid or encounter and that the DKP spent during that raid is then distributed amongst the participants in that one log. There are a few problems which such a system, mostly that the system is open to abuse and dependent on the raid itself. The result is that people who leave early or arrive late will get as much or none of the reward that people who stay the whole raid receive. People might also be more reluctant to join raids where little loot is produced with such a system.

How exactly the time-based reward system should work can be configured from inside the program. It can handle a wide range of bonuses, weights, zero-sum distribution modes, guaranteed rewards and log setups. See the configuration readme for a full list.


  • Players are rewarded for spending their time raiding, not for being at the right place at the right time (i.e. when the log is taken).
  • If the raid moves from a high profile raid with lots of loot (e.g. Plane of Time in EverQuest) to a raid with less loot (e.g. keying new members), then people who stay for the lesser raid are rewarded with points from the raid with more loot. I.e. someone who leaves when the raid is finished in Plane of Time, after lets say half the raid time, will only receive half of the DKP that someone who stayed and keyed new members will receive. Hence encouraging people to stay for raids when some people would otherwise log off.
  • The tool can be used to award people who show up on time by weighting the first interval differently.


The main disadvantage is pretty clear: It takes a lot of time to cross reference all the logs. That is why this program exists. It is designed to parse the logs, calculate the DKP award and then send the results (the loot, raids, participants and DKP) directly to EQDKP.

The time based DKP system has been successfully used and tested by the EverQuest guild Europa for over two years. The project is a continuation of the EQ Log Parser project, but unlike its predecessor it is not bound to a specific game. The program has been tested with EQDKP version 1.2.0 and 1.3.0, it should hopefully work with most other versions !

Patterns and formats

The patterns and formats constitute the core of the parser, telling it how it should parse files. The patterns are mainly based on regular expressions but an additional syntax is added for XML input. The patterns are first applied to the log to extract relevant data, then the formats rearrange the groups captured by the patterns into the correct order.

Predefined sets

Pattern sets for the following purposes have already been defined and are available inside the program.

  • EverQuest (using the /who command)
  • EverQuest (using the raid output)
  • EverQuest2 (using the /who command)
  • EverQuest2 (using the /whoraid command)
  • World of Warcraft (using CT RaidTracker)
  • World of Warcraft (using CT RaidTracker, but with an optional price in the note field)
  • World of Warcraft (using CT RaidTracker version 1.25.8 or later, with the new format)

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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