List of political parties in Germany

List of political parties in Germany

This is a list of political parties in Germany.

Germany has a multi-party system, with two large parties, three substantial smaller parties, and a number of minor parties.

The parties

The following parties currently participate in the German parliament, the "Bundestag," sorted by the number of seats (refer to the following links for details):

Other parties. In addition to those parties that won representation in the Bundestag in 2002, a variety of minor parties won a cumulative total of 3.0% of the vote, down from 5.9% in 1998. 22 other parties were on the ballot in one or more states, but not qualified for representation in the Bundestag. The far-right-wing (eg. neo-Nazi) parties remained fragmented and ineffectual at the national level.

Minor parties

More than 0.1% of the vote at the last federal elections

* National Democratic Party of Germany (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands - NPD): 1.6% extreme right-wing
* The Republicans (Die Republikaner - REP): 0.6% far-right-wing
* The Grays – Gray Panther (Die grauen Panther - GRAUE): 0.4% senior-party
* Family Party of Germany (Deutsche Familienpartei): 0.4% center
* Human Environment Animal Welfare (Mensch Umwelt Tierschutz): 0.2% green
* Party of Bible-abiding Christians (Partei Bibeltreuer Christen - PBC): 0.2% religious


* Anarchist Pogo Party of Germany (Anarchistische Pogo-Partei Deutschlands - APPD)
* Bavaria Party (Bayernpartei)
* Communist Party of Germany (Red Dawn) Stalinism
* Communist Party of Germany (1990) Stalinism
* German Centre Party (Deutsche Zentrumspartei - ZENTRUM) centre-right/right-wing (catholic) ) the party was in many parliaments before 1933)
* German Communist Party (Deutsche Kommunistische Partei - DKP) Marxist-Leninist
* Christian Centre Party (Christliche Mitte - CM) right-wing
* Citizens Make Politics (Bürger machen Politik)
* Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität - BüSo)
* Ecological Democratic Party (Ökologisch-Demokratische Partei - ÖDP) right-green
* Feminist Party of Germany (Feministische Partei - DIE FRAUEN)
* Free Voters (Freie Wähler)
* Marxist Leninist Party of Germany (Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands - MLPD) Marxist-Leninist
* Die PARTEI (Partei für Arbeit, Rechtsstaat, Tierschutz, Elitenförderung und basisdemokratische Initiative - Die PARTEI), party created by editors of the satirical magazine titanic
* [ Projekt Partei] Project Party
* Piratenpartei Deutschland (PIRATEN)
* Social Equality Party (Partei für Soziale Gleichheit - PSG)
* South Schleswig Voter Federation (Südschleswigscher Wählerverband - SSW) - this is the party of the Danish and frisian minorities in Germany
* The Violets (Party) ( [ Die Violetten - für spirituelle Politik] )

Defunct parties

* Law and Order Offensive Party (Partei Rechtsstaatlicher Offensive - Offensive D)

Historical parties

Parties existing before World War II

* Bavarian People's Party (BVP) - Bavarian Regionalist (1920-1933)
* Centre Party - Christian Democrat/Conservative (1871-1947/today)
* Communist Party of Germany (KPD) - Communist (1919-1956)
* Communist Party Opposition (KPO)- Communist
* Conservative People's Party (KVP)
* Free Conservative Party (FKP)
* General German Workers' Association (ADAV)
* Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany (USPD) - Socialist (1917-1922)
* German Conservative Party (DKP) - Conservative (before 1918)
* German Democratic Party (DDP) - Left-Liberal (1918-1930, became the German State Party, which lasted until 1933)
* German National People's Party (DNVP) - Nationalist-Conservative (1918-1933)
* German People's Party (DVP) - National-Liberal (1918-1933)
* German Progress Party (DFP) - Left-Liberal (before 1918)
* German Racialist Freedom Party (DVFP) - anti-semitic (early Weimar period)
* German Workers' Party (DAP) - precursor to the Nazi Party (1919)
* National Liberal Party - Right Liberal (before 1918)
* National Socialist German Workers' Party - aka the Nazi Party (NSDAP) (1919-1945)
*Progressive People's Party
*Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD, same as the current SPD)
*Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany (SDAP) (since 1875 Social Democratic Party of Germany)
*Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (SAP) (since 1875 Social Democratic Party of Germany)
*Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (SAP) (between 1931 and 1941/45 a Social Democratic Party left of the SPD)

Defunct parties in (former) West Germany

* German Party (DP) - Conservative
* German Empire Party (DRP) - Far right (1949-64)
* German Right Party (DReP) - Far right (1946-51)
* Communist Party of Germany (KPD) - Communist (1919-1956)
* Socialist Reich Party (SRP) - National Socialist

Parties in (former) East Germany

As a socialist state

* Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
* Liberal Democratic Party of Germany (LDPD)
* Democratic Farmers' Party of Germany (DBD)
* National Democratic Party of Germany (NDPD)
* Socialist Unity Party of Germany (SED)

During transition

*Alliance 90
*Alliance for Germany
*Association of Free Democrats
*Democracy Now
*Democratic Awakening
*East German Green Party
*Free Democratic Party
*German Forum Party
*German Social Union
*Initiative for Peace and Human Rights
*New Forum

ee also

* Lists of parties by name of the party, country, ideology or by membership of internationals; categories by and ."
* History of Germany since 1945
* Liberalism in Germany

External links

* [ Political Parties (Germany)] - List of German political parties since 1949

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