March 25, 2005

March 25, 2005

March 25 2005

* Several Imax cinemas in the USA (in Texas, Georgia and the Carolinas) have chosen not to show the film "Volcanoes of the Deep Sea" in light of its reference to the theory of evolution. [ (BBC)]
* Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan:
** Kyrgyz opposition leader Kurmanbek Bakiyev is named interim President of Kyrgyzstan, while ousted President Askar Akayev remains defiant. [ (Reuters)] (Link dead as of 21:06, 14 January 2007 (UTC))
** Looters ransack the capital city of Bishkek following the protests.
* Doctors at a Monaco hospital call the condition of Prince Rainier III "worrying" and are unsure if he will recover from heart and renal failure. He remains on a ventilator. [ (Yahoo! News)] (Link dead as of 21:06, 14 January 2007 (UTC))
* United Kingdom, becomes the first country to officially recognize darts as a sport.
* Good Friday was celebrated all over the world. Processions with statues representing the Passion of Christ (Way of the Cross) were held all over Malta. " [NEWSLINK MISSING] ". In Mexico City 19 year old Osvaldo Gordon was starved, whipped, fainted, crucified with nails through hands, in 162nd such reenactment. [ (El Universal)] " [ENGLISH LANGUAGE NEWSLINK MISSING] "

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  • March 31, 2005 — March 31 2005* Cesar Chavez Day celebrated throughout California takes place every March 31 as it was on March 31, 1994. * The last day to apply for the Sales Tax Amnesty Program from the California State Board of Equalization was March 31, 2005 …   Wikipedia

  • March 11, 2005 — March 11 2005* A day of mourning is held in Spain to mark the first anniversary of the 11 March 2004 Madrid attacks. At noon, King Juan Carlos I and Queen Sofía inaugurate the Forest of the Departed ( Bosque de los Ausentes ), a memorial park in… …   Wikipedia

  • March 15, 2005 — March 15 2005*U.S. Representative Henry Waxman sends a scathing letter to President George W. Bush, accusing the administration of having withheld until after the election a damaging audit regarding overcharges by Halliburton for services in Iraq …   Wikipedia

  • March 16, 2005 — March 16 2005* Israel formally hands Jericho to Palestinian Authority control, which is likely to strengthen Mahmoud Abbas. The PA will resume security control over the city and will have to make sure that wanted militants will remain in check.… …   Wikipedia

  • March 20, 2005 — March 20, 2005* US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrives in Beijing for the last leg of her six country Asian trip. Rice met with President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao; talks about North Korea nuclear missiles program and Taiwan are on …   Wikipedia

  • March 7, 2005 — March 7 2005* Prisoner Abuse in Iraq: American troops in Iraq filmed themselves kicking a gravely wounded prisoner in the face and making the arm of a corpse appear to wave, then titled the effort Ramadi Madness after the city where it was made.… …   Wikipedia

  • March 9, 2005 — March 9, 2005* Cyclone Ingrid diminishes to a category 3 storm, and is crossing the Cape York Peninsula in northern Queensland, Australia late on March 9, 2005 UTC. [ ABOM] * In Australia, immigration… …   Wikipedia

  • March 1, 2005 — March 1, 2005* In Afghanistan, president Hamid Karzai appoints Abdul Rashid Dostum as his chief of staff. Dostum has been accused of involvement in human rights abuses. [ storyID=7773789… …   Wikipedia

  • March 3, 2005 — March 3, 2005* In Belgium, Naïma Amzil, a Muslim woman leaves her job after her employer is targeted with a seventh death threat, sent by a group named New Free Flanders ( nl. Nieuw Vrij Vlaanderen). She is targeted because she is Muslim and… …   Wikipedia

  • March 5, 2005 — March 5 2005* President Bashar al Assad of Syria announces that Syria will withdraw all 14,000 troops in Lebanon to the Bekaa Valley area, on the Syrian Lebanese border. [;jsessionid=JWGDM0M3DDTV4CRBAE0CFFA?… …   Wikipedia

  • March 14, 2005 — March 14 2005*Massive protests take place in Beirut, Lebanon, against the Syrian presence there. With an estimated turnout of 800,000. [ (ABC News)] *Cyclone Ingrid is moving away from Darwin …   Wikipedia

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