- March 25, 2005
March 25 2005 * Several
Imax cinemas in theUSA (in Texas, Georgia and the Carolinas) have chosen not to show thefilm "Volcanoes of the Deep Sea" in light of its reference to the theory ofevolution . [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/film/4378541.stm (BBC)]
*Tulip Revolution inKyrgyzstan :
** Kyrgyz opposition leaderKurmanbek Bakiyev is named interimPresident of Kyrgyzstan , while ousted PresidentAskar Akayev remains defiant. [http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L25245723.htm (Reuters)] (Link dead as of 21:06,14 January 2007 (UTC))
** Looters ransack the capital city ofBishkek following theprotest s.
* Doctors at aMonaco hospital call the condition of Prince Rainier III "worrying" and are unsure if he will recover from heart andrenal failure . He remains on aventilator . [http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050325/ap_on_re_eu/monaco_prince_rainier_28 (Yahoo! News)] (Link dead as of 21:06,14 January 2007 (UTC))
*United Kingdom , becomes the first country to officially recognizedarts as a sport.
*Good Friday was celebrated all over the world. Processions with statues representing the Passion ofChrist (Way of the Cross) were held all overMalta . " [NEWSLINK MISSING] ". InMexico City 19 year old Osvaldo Gordon was starved, whipped, fainted, crucified with nails through hands, in 162nd such reenactment. [http://el-universal.com.mx/pls/impreso/noticia.html?id_nota=274305&tabla=notas (El Universal)] " [ENGLISH LANGUAGE NEWSLINK MISSING] "
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