Chequebook journalism

Chequebook journalism

Chequebook journalism (or checkbook journalism in American English) is the form of journalism where the essential characteristic is that the journalist pays the subject of the work money for the right to publish his story.

The phrase "chequebook journalism" is often used pejoratively, with the suggestion being that stories obtained by paying people are not so worthy as those obtained by traditional investigations.

In Australia chequebook journalism is viewed as a symptom of the fiercely competitive commercial television industry (most notably amongst current affairs programs). In the UK the print media uses it extensively, due to its geographic layout being conducive to the distribution of newspapers[citation needed].

The rescue of the Australian miners in the Beaconsfield mine collapse renewed public awareness of chequebook journalism, as the TV networks and their stakeholders bid for the exclusive rights to the story as told by miners Todd Russell and Brant Webb, who were trapped underground for 2 weeks.

In North America, paying money for interviews, although not necessarily illegal, is generally frowned upon. However, major media outlets in the United States will sometimes attempt to get around these standards by paying licensing fees for the rights to photos or footage (such as home video) relating to the subject, or paying for expenses such as flights, in conjunction with an "exclusive" interview.[1][2]

Examples of other cases involving chequebook journalism include:

  • the Nine Network paying Lindy Chamberlain $250,000 for the exclusive rights to her story
  • the Seven Network paying Stuart Diver $300,000 for his story about the Thredbo landslide
  • the Ten Network paying Douglas Wood $400,000 for his story about being kidnapped and held hostage in Iraq
  • David Frost paying Richard Nixon $600,000 for his story
  • the Seven Network paying solo yachtsman Tony Bullimore for his story about being trapped in his overturned vessel in the Southern Ocean [1][2].
  •, an online technology enthusiast news website, paying an anonymous source $5,000 USD for providing a stolen prototype of the next generation iPhone.

See also


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