

:"For the suburb of Nouméa, New Caledonia, see Le Mont-Dore."French commune
nomcommune=Mont-Dore in the background

légende=Le village avec le Puy de Sancy en arrière plan
maire=Jean-François Dubourg
alt moy=1,050 m
alt mini=897 m
alt maxi=1,883 m

Mont-Dore, formerly called Mont-Dore-les-Bains, is a spa town and commune of the Puy-de-Dôme "département", in central France.


Mont-Dore is located on the right bank of the Dordogne River not far from its source, and 31 m. by road S.W. of Clermont-Ferrand. The Monts Dore close the valley towards the south.

Thermal springs

The thermal springs of Mont-Dore, now numbering twelve, were known to the Romans. Bicarbonate of soda, iron and arsenic are the principal ingredients of the waters, which are used both for drinking and bathing, baths of high temperature being characteristic of the treatment; they are efficacious in cases of pulmonary consumption, bronchitis, asthma, and nervous and rheumatic paralysis. From the elevation and exposure of the valley, the climate of Mont-Dore is severe, and the season only lasts from 15 June to 15 September. The bath-house was rebuilt in 1891-1894.


In the park, along the Dordogne, relics from the old Roman baths have been collected. The surrounding country, with its fir woods, pastures, waterfalls and mountains, is very attractive. To the south is the Puy de Sancy (6189 ft.), the loftiest peak of central France.



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