Blue Mahoe

Blue Mahoe

The Blue Mahoe "(Hibiscus" elatus) is the national tree of Jamaica. It is indigenous to the island and grows quite rapidly, often attaining 20 [m] (66ft) or more in height. In wetter districts it will grow in a wide range of elevations, up to 1200m (4000 ft.) and is often used in reforestation.

The tree is quite attractive with its straight trunk, broad green leaves and hibiscus-like flowers. The attractive flower changes colour as it matures, going from bright yellow to orange red and finally to crimson.

The name Mahoe is derived from a Carib - Indian word. The ‘blue’ refers to blue-green streaks in the polished wood, giving it a distinctive appearance.


The Blue Mahoe is a beautiful and durable timber that is widely used for cabinet making and also for making decorative objects such as picture frames, bowls and carving.

The inner bark of the tree is often referred to as Cuba bark because it was formerly used for tying bundles of Havana cigars. Cuba is the only other place where the Blue Mahoe grows naturally.

The wood has a musical quality and has been traditionally used in the making of cuatros, (puertorican guitars). Fine boxes, furnitures, inlay works, floors, details, turned pieces, exquisite jewelleries, sculptures, and ancient board games, have been, and demand to be transformed from the Mahoe. Architects, furniture-makers, designers, artists & wood lovers will find a charm in working with this wood. It has fine sanding and turning qualities, and a natural gloss in the wood when finely finished.

[ Tropic Ventures Rainforest Enrichment and Sustainable Forestry Project] is registered under the Auxiliary Forest Program of Puerto Rico, and is a demonstration project for students and foresters interested in the sustainable management and preservation of tropical rainforest land. The sustainably grown and harvested hardwood currently available from experimental thinnings is the rare and exotic Blue Mahoe, "Hibiscus elatus/Talipariti elatum". [] []

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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