

French commune

caption=The fishing port of Cancale

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Cancale ( _br. Kankaven; Gallo: "Cauncall") is a commune in the Ille-et-Vilaine department in Bretagne in northwestern France.


Inhabitants of Cancale are called "Cancalais".

As of the census of 1999, the town had a population of 5203.
The estimate for 2007 was 5293.


Cancale lies along the coast to the east of Saint-Malo. It is a picturesque fishing village popular with visitors many of whom are drawn by its reputation as the «oyster capital» of Brittany. Though a small town it is well served by a large number of restaurants, many specialising in seafood. When not eating one can sit and watch the bustle of this busy little town with many stalls selling crustaceans of all types.

There is a pleasant coastal path which permits a circular walk from the town to the Pointe du Grouin with views across the bay towards Mont Saint Michel.Eugène Feyen painted Cancale and the inhabitants with the oyster-picking Cancalaises for several decades around 18651908.Vincent van Gogh wrote that "Eugène Feyen is one of the few painters who pictures intimate modern life as it is really, and does not turn it into fashion plates".


History has it that Louis XIV had his oysters brought to Versailles from Cancale. Centuries later, the farming of oysters is still a major activity in the port and there are oyster beds covering about 7.3 square kilometres easily seen from the pier at the harbour. These beds harvest about 25,000 tons of oysters each year.

ee also

*Communes of the Ille-et-Vilaine department

External links

* [ Official website] fr icon
* [ Cancale] Information and images en icon
* [ Cultural Heritage] fr icon

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