Hacker conference

Hacker conference

A Hacker conference, also known as hacker cons, is a term that describes a convention for hackers. These serve as meeting places for phreakers, hackers, and security experts.

The actual events, timespans, and details of various themes of these conventions not only depends on the specific convention attended but also its perceived reputation. Typically the actual details of any given convention are couched in mild secrecy due to the legality of certain panels, as well as the willingness of attendees to explain themselves to law enforcement and less computer-savvy individuals (see Hacker definition controversy).

Common topics include Wardriving, Lockpicking, corporate and network security, personal rights and freedoms, new technologies, as well as general 'geek' motifs. Some may also have contests and general collaborative events such as Hackathons.

Hacker Convention Events

Common activities at Hacker Conventions include:(in progress)

List of annual hacker conventions

* ClubHack, India's own hackers' Convention. [http://clubhack.com]
* Hack In The Box Security Conference, Asia's largest network security conference held annually in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and more recently the Middle East.
* Black Hat, a series of conferences held annually in different cities around the world. Black Hat USA, held in Las Vegas immediately before DEF CON, is the largest 'official' computer security event in the world.
* BlueHat Conference, a twice a year, invitation-only Microsoft security conference aimed at bringing Microsoft security professionals and external security researchers together. [ [http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bluehat/default.mspx] [http://news.cnet.com/Microsoft-meets-the-hackers/2009-1002_3-5747813.html] [http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/security/cc261637.aspx]
* BrumCon Yearly conference in Birmingham UK, held by Brum2600
* Chaos Communication Congress is the oldest and Europe's biggest hacker conference, held by Chaos Computer Club.
* DEF CON, in Las Vegas, Nevada, is the biggest hacker convention in the United States.
* ShakaCon, a Honolulu, Hawaii convention started in 2007 by Secure DNA held every spring.
* HackCon, Norway's biggest security convention, held in Oslo, Norway.
* Hackers on Planet Earth (H.O.P.E.), in New York is held by .
* Kiwicon, is a Wellington, New Zealand hacker convention.
* Notacon, in Cleveland, Ohio, is an art and technology conference.
* CarolinaCon, in North Carolina, is a regional technology and network security conference.
* PhreakNIC, in Nashville, Tennessee, is held by Nashville 2600.
* ShmooCon, a Washington DC convention started in 2005 by The Shmoo Group.
* Summercon, one of the oldest hacker conventions. It helped set a precedent for more modern "cons" such as H.O.P.E. and DEF CON.
* ToorCon is a San Diego hacker convention that emerged from the 2600 user group.
* LayerOne is run every spring in Los Angeles, CA.
* Sec-t is a hacking and security convention in Stockholm, Sweden. [http://www.sec-t.org]
** Note: Stichting HAL2001, a not-for-profit organization, holds a quadrennial Dutch hacker convention. They have, so far, held HAL2001 (Hackers at Large) and What the Hack (2005, originally called HEX (referring to the 16th anniversary of the event, as well as an acronym for Hacking Extreme). The Dutch conferences held prior Stichting HAL2001's existence were Galactic Hacker Party (1989), Hacking at the End of the Universe (1993) and Hacking In Progress (1997), notable for being held simultaneously and in conjunction with Beyond HOPE.

External links

* [http://u-sys.org/HCC Hacker Convention Comparison] - A comparison of hacker events based on internet connectivity and attendees


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